comment Shadow copy storage space: difference between, and control over, "Used", "Allocated" and "Maximum" (in Windows 7)?
This is obtuse to say the least. My situation is Allocated is a measly 704 MB, but I set Maximum storage space to 40GB (it's a 1TB backup USB drive). When I run wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:I: -include:C: -allCritical -quiet I get this: A Volume Shadow Copy Service operation error has occurred: (0x8004231f) Insufficient storage available to create either the shadow copy storage file or other shadow copy data.
awarded Nice Question
awarded Promoter
comment IIS Error 500 triggered by web.config when adding ipSecurity entries
The failing web.config is only 177kb, so well below the default max size of 250k
comment IIS Error 500 triggered by web.config when adding ipSecurity entries
Yes I know 500 = server error, that was "Why would it trigger that". I also mentioned I know that the size of the web.config is well within bounds. Also I have no control over the registry as it's hosted and no-dice. Finally, 100% of this I have read almost as cut-and-paste, so thanks but not fixing it, and "Learn Microsoft" link... really? I thought this was a forum for going to actual knowledge first-hand not some Google result.
asked IIS Error 500 triggered by web.config when adding ipSecurity entries
answered Classic ASP wildcard for matching URLs, two ways I've seen, what are the differences?
asked Classic ASP wildcard for matching URLs, two ways I've seen, what are the differences?
awarded Critic
answered In Server 2019 control panel, the server shows with an asterisk - unknown device
asked In Server 2019 control panel, the server shows with an asterisk - unknown device
comment One user has two SIDs with same profile path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\
Yeah that sound right, but have to wonder since the user is added as a Domain User fresh OOB, and was never a local user. Might it get added if the network/domain is not available? Or is that standard behavior? "Here are two SIDs for you, you're welcome, Windows"?
comment One user has two SIDs with same profile path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\
What do you mean "you can" identify the SIDs"? Your post isn't clear. Two SIDS, only one user. Not different domains, etc. as per what I said on 13-09-2022. If you mean via Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList, same user on both SIDS, same path in ProfileImagePath
comment One user has two SIDs with same profile path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\
The typical scenario on a new PC is the first account created is a non-domain Admin account, like LocalAdmin. This account then creates the account for the domain user account that will use the PC, like Sally. The duplicate SIDs both belong to the same user, Sally. This just seems wrong. Is it?
asked One user has two SIDs with same profile path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\
comment Check Windows registry to see if host is joined to an Azure AD domain?
@Noot Khalid It's not my setup, it's other users. Meaning we offer software for use on a Windows domain. We need to ascertain they the PC it's installed on is domain joined, a piece of cake with traditional on-prem domain. Azure has a lot of 'flavors', and many (most) are not an exact match to a "domain" with GPO, etc. As indicated earlier dsregcmd is the best way, but it will not work when called from a compiled .exe - nor even if you launch a visible cmd window via a batch file. So, what is a foolproof way (registry will do) to know "Yes it's a domain"?
comment Check Windows registry to see if host is joined to an Azure AD domain?
The objective is that only PCs that are in an actual Domain, be it on prem or Azure are allowed to run the software. When the app loads is checks for domain membership using WMI from Win32_ComputerSystem > objItem.domain. That ought to be enough but Azure has some wrinkles where that may not be 100% accurate. dsregcmd /status is the preferred method, but that fails if called from an .exe, even if written out to a batch file or PS or vbscript - it ONLY succeeds if run from a CMD window or PS window. So not a go. That's it. And yes, there is a legit case for this.
comment Determining if client is Azure AD joined using dsregcmd fails if called from a script
@user1686 No it isn't. The need is that install is on a domain joined PC by an Administrator and even then we need to give them a key file (separate encryption) that ONLY works for them on that PC. So, don't assume. But 1st step is DON'T RUN if not on a domain.
awarded Promoter
comment Check Windows registry to see if host is joined to an Azure AD domain?
dsregcmd /status wont run if inside an executable be it as "shelling out" to a batch file or PowerShell. And that seems to be the ONLY reliable way to see if it's domain joined.
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