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Tryst with Freedom

On my bed

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here -Illusions, Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

Male(?),20, Lower Caste, Malayali. Also, never started a college degree altho I wish to pursue Mathematics sometime later. Mostly studying myself whenever I am not depressed or learning German. A lot of thanks to MSE users for helping me retain the interest in this subject and encouraging me along the way.

My Chatroom

Currently trying to understand: Jordan curve theorem (how can something so simple be so complicated?) Currently reading: Munkres, Freedom at Midnight

In process of: Trans(itioning) myself into a category theorist

Moosic I like :1, 2 Pinnacle music , Pinnacle Music-2

Contact: buraian20 2 [email protected]

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