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Bioacoustics Stack Exchange

Bioacoustics Stack Exchange

Q&A for people interested in the studies of non-human animal sounds and the impacts of sounds on animals (2,282 total users)

Jul 14, 2024 - Jul 20, 2024

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Brian Miller

1 4
member for: 1 year, 3 months
#1 week rank
not previously ranked
913 total reputation
25 week reputation

Michael Pitzrick

4 11
member for: 2 years, 1 month
#2 week rank
not previously ranked
529 total reputation
15 week reputation

Amandine Gasc

1 4 22
member for: 2 years
#3 week rank
not previously ranked
1,534 total reputation
12 week reputation


5 35
member for: 2 years, 1 month
#4 week rank
not previously ranked
3,710 total reputation
12 week reputation

Sam Lapp

2 6
member for: 2 years, 1 month
#5 week rank
not previously ranked
466 total reputation
10 week reputation


1 10 33
member for: 2 years, 1 month
#6 week rank
not previously ranked
7,415 total reputation
10 week reputation