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Fix for sticky hover background in duplicates

Description Problem See bug report here: Duplicate modal - row hover state not cleared The background is "sticky" added on hover then removed on a second hover. Fix This userstyle removes…

Stack Exchange code block line numbers userscript

A Userscript to add line numbers to code blocks

Revert Stack Exchange's new up/down vote buttons

This userscript, written for ViolentMonkey, reverts the question and answer upvotes on all Stack Exchange sites so that they are almost identical to their previous design. New vote buttons (shown f…

Stack Exchange Dark Mode

Dark theme for Stack Exchange

Comment Flag Dialog Bugfix

Up to 200 characters of excerpt

Stack Overflow layout optimized for 800x600 resolution

You got a small monitor? No problem! Install this user style to browse Stack Overflow without having to zoom out.   DOWNLOAD NOW FOR FREE!   (From


Style any SE site like Stack Overflow

Shrink the Stack Exchange Footer

All Stack Exchange sites (except Stack Overflow) have a giant footer: I don't like to have all of that space being taken up on my screen, so I built this user-style: /** * Copyright © 2016 Jed …

Blur the topbar’s background

This stylesheet will make the background of the topbar show a blurred version of the contents below it. Note that I was unable to make the search box transparent (the icon was invisible), and I cou…

I don't want to be a mod

Ever earned the privilege "Access to moderator tools" and not really wanted it? A stylesheet for hiding deleted answers, as well as the review queue. For use with stylish. Customise to include the…

Title Case All Question Titles Everywhere!

Because some like it like that: @namespace url(; @-moz-document regexp("*||||||…

Comment Separator Fix

We have this nicely formatted toolbar with all of the moderation tools we need below questions: So, why is it that the separator that goes along with the new comment format looks like this? T…

Simplify Community Bulletin widget

This Stylish script: Hides the recently added bold category titles; Removes post vote counts; Reduces space used by widget. @namespace url(; @-moz-document domain…

Underlined post links

Underlines all links in questions, answers and comments on all Stack Exchange sites.

Vertically Resizable Textareas

Makes Stack Exchange's textareas vertically resizable.

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