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What is the correct way to wait for database updates when testing the api?

I'm testing the api - after the request, I check that the values have appeared in the database. A simple example is I'm throwing JSON { "field_1": "Value_1", "...
Metanol's user avatar
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What is a definition of 'Renderable canvas' in a context of web based test automation

In description of 'location' property of Selenium WebDriver the term 'Renderable canvas' is used: property location: dict The location of the element in the renderable canvas. Link: https://selenium-...
Pekotski Bit's user avatar
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How do you validate millions of data in 2 different databases as part of ETL Testing

How to validate millions of data in 2 different databases as part of ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Testing. And in the same databases, also tell me the testing process to validate the Target DWH (...
pavan suresh's user avatar
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Do you disable JavaScript as part of your testing? If so, how do you know whether something is buggy?

I sometimes disable JavaScript to see how a website behaves without it. I'm often surprised how much the content display relies on it. But I'm unsure whether it's a bug. I read that almost everybody ...
Y-B Cause's user avatar
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Green/Blue Deployments with several development teams

I am working in an AKS cluster environment with several clusters separated from each other. I've been reading about Green/Blue deployments about testing a change in one cluster and then rerouting ...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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Load testing asynchronous systems

I have developed an image processing web application and would like to run some load tests to get an idea how it will handle peak usage scenarios. The application is asynchronous and to simplify ...
Y_59_alef's user avatar
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Do you automate testing of the responsiveness of UI app?

I agree that responsiveness of the UI app is important and must be tested. But, do you think, we should automate responsive tests of UI using Selenium?
Jimmy's user avatar
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CSS selector with multiple same classes under different divs

Example of the Problem: <div> <h2> one <div> <h2> two <div> <h2> three I want to select the second h2 with css. I know there is something like h2:nth-child(),...
random's user avatar
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Data clean up in selenium

I am doing automation testing of web browsers using selenium and the test includes that i create users, add personal details, approve, recommend and the likes. how do I clean up these data that has ...
Oluwabusayomi Temitope's user avatar
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Test Case Result Chart to multiple Test Suites?

I have recently taken over Test Suite creation for my team and I have encountered a rather annoying and time-consuming issue. We are using Azure DevOps Test Suites. Scenario: Let's say we have 5 Test ...
BCE's user avatar
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Page Object Model: Base Page necessary?

I've gone back and forth on this, and am sort of having a hard time deciding if a "Base page" class is necessary or a good idea. In most cases this base page class someone stores common ...
Mercfh's user avatar
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How to repeat the same test with Selenium Webdriver without opening a new browser instance each time?

I am using Selenium Webdriver on Node.js with Cucumber.js. I want to run the same test on multiple pages. In this case just checking for 404s in my footer. My Cucumber .feature file looks like: ...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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How to automate a fido token login

I need to automate a login which uses a fido token. No person can be behind the screen as it is supposed to be automated. I can build a small device which would move the "finger" up and down....
Hola Soy Edu Feliz Navidad's user avatar
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Why cant I see any transactions at the Grafana dashboard dropdwon

I have add transaction controllers to my jmeter test. But still I cant see any transactions at the Grafana dashboard. Here is the defenition for the transaction variable at Grafana : SHOW TAG VALUES ...
ChathuD's user avatar
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How to manage a few dozen free-trial credentials for testing third-party integrations?

We have a product that integrates with several-dozen third party applications. Our developers and testers sign up for free trial accounts with the third-parties so that we can validate that the ...
jamesmortensen's user avatar

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