June 20 • Awards
Sunshine State finalists 2024

From this list, winners will be announced at a ceremony on Aug. 17 in downtown Hollywood.

June 4 • Awards
Stillwater success

Our first prison journalism awards went so well, we're not doing them anymore.

January 29 • Awards
Stars behind bars

Journalism can happen anywhere. Even in prison. And now there are the Stillwater Awards.

January 25 • Program News
Fake News, Smart People

The Fake News Game Show goes on the road again. But fake news is either getting predictable, or people are getting smarter. Or both?

October 14 • Program News
Aim, Fire, Report

SPJ taught five journalists how to fire a pistol, shotgun, and AR-15. Want to be number six?

June 15 • Program News
Under Fire

If you're a journalist long enough, you'll cover a story involving gun violence. Why not learn about those weapons so your reporting is more accurate?