
Reliable On-the-Go Internet for Live Broadcasts

Reporting from the field? Use all available Internet sources at the same time for uninterrupted live broadcasting

Speedify is the only app that can combine multiple internet sources into one bonded super-connection for more stable and secure live streaming, video calling, and web browsing.
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What Reporters Need for a Successful Live Broadcast

News travels fast. As a media professional, you want to be leading the news wave. But sometimes you have an invisible enemy who can ruin your plans and who you need to deal with: poor Internet connectivity. You recognize it by choppy and low quality video, random disconnects with the people in the studio, as well as unreliable Internet altogether.

Professional journalism means you need to focus on the message you want to report to your viewers - this includes not only what you say on camera, but also the video broadcast, as a whole. As a reporter in the field, you don't have time to troubleshoot poor Internet connectivity - you just need it to work and to capture those essential moments you want to convey to your viewers.

Delivering fluent, best quality live video content is key for field reporters today. You need to be able to interview sources on Zoom, or Skype without video or audio issues on either end. You need something that will get you fast, reliable and secure connectivity in your journalist toolkit. You need Speedify!a


Everybody Is a Reporter Nowadays. But Only Few Are Professionals. Be One of Them

While everybody can go live and provide raw content, real reporting and deeper insights are still mostly provided by professionals. Respect your status and don’t let poor Internet connectivity bring you down. Use Speedify whenever your live broadcasting for more reliable Internet anywhere, anytime.

Reporter Need Simple Tools to Get Their Job Done. Speedify Is One of Those Tools for Internet Connectivity

As a reporter, you shouldn't waste time troubleshooting a poor Internet connection. It puts you further behind your deadline. Use time to your advantage. Be the first to report, provide valuable insights and coverage. Whether on the field, in the studio, at trade shows or at home, the Internet is supposed to support your efforts, not be a hassle to deal with.

Speedify is an app that will help you get faster, more stable Internet. You can use it whenever you're live broadcasting directly on your smartphone or computer. Speedify will help you use all the available Internet connections at the same time and prioritize your live broadcast over other Internet traffic. This allows you to focus on the subject at matter. And this is how you increase your productivity and potentially get the next Pulitzer!


Stuck in a Region with Censored Online Content? Get All the Relevant Information You Need

Certain countries and regions may censor or throttle access to specific online content – especially social networks. As a professional member of the press, you cannot afford to lose relevant information, whether it’s because of government monitoring or censorship.

You need a fast bonding VPN like Speedify to encrypt your communication on restricted networks. This way you will be able to access almost any censored content.

Our goal is simple:
Make the internet better.

(We say the "S" words a lot around here)

Built for all of your devices






to make your favorite apps blazing fast


YouTube Live

Facebook Live

Instagram Live

TikTok Live

OBS Studio


Microsoft Teams


Google Meet




Switcher Studio

Streamlabs OBS

Ecamm Live




Use multiple connections for maximum performance

Speedify is the only app that combines your wifi, cellular, wired, and even your friend’s phone signals – and turns them into one ultra-fast and super secure link that keeps you all connected for the best possible live streaming, video calling, or just posting to your favorite app.




Tethered Phones



Grab your crew and create a super connection

With Pair & Share you can easily share Cellular connections back and forth between multiple Speedify users on the same local network. Pair with friends, family, and coworkers for better internet on the road, at conferences and concerts, or while livestreaming.

Don't go live without it

Speedify is the ultimate connectivity tool for streamers. It automatically prioritizes audio and video streams and dynamically adjusts to network conditions so you can stop asking "Can you Hear Me?" and start streaming at the speed of all your connections combined!


No dedicated hardware required

Speedify runs on the devices you already have and uses the connections you already pay for. We have apps available for all major platforms and devices including Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, and Linux.

We ♥️ our Speedify community.
The feeling seems mutual.

Get started today and you’ll quickly see why millions of people use Speedify to supercharge their internet.


More than 75,000 5-star reviews in the iOS and Android stores


Millions of downloads worldwide, and growing every day


Hundreds of terabytes of fast, secure data streamed every week

The biggest tool in our livestreaming arsenal is Speedify. Being able to combine multiple Internet connections - that is the Holy Grail of stability and speed. We are able to get our streams off without a hitch - no connectivity issues at all.

Chris Carson
Cinematographer, SteadiLive

Speedify is a must have if you need a stable connection for live streaming. For best results, use at least two Internet connections - I also got a private dedicated server, which makes the service even better, because you are the only one using the server!

Alessia Santeramo
Chess Streamer, Woman FIDE Master

During my last stream, I lost all network connectivity over my primary Wi-Fi network and didn't even notice because Speedify just made it so seamless.

Doug Piper
Cicerone, Beer Livestreamer

This was the very first time that I did a stream that there was no buffering. There was no outage. There was no pixelization. There was no nothing. It just simply worked.

Joseph Cristina
Photographer, Cinematographer, YouTube Creator



We've got a plan for you.

Speedify has options for everyone and works with all apps - from live streaming software to video conferencing, social networks, and online games.

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Unlimited usage and non-stop speed & security on up to 5 devices.



Fast, reliable, and secure internet for your loved ones, at a special price!



Increased speed, security, and stability for all of the people and devices in your organization. Learn More