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Questions tagged [spacex]

Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, or SpaceX, is a private space exploration company. It was the world's first privately held company to successfully launch a cargo mission into space , cargo to the ISS (International Space Station), land and reuse a booster, and a crewed mission into orbit. See the wiki for related tags.

147 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is there any flutter analysis available regarding Falcon's grid fins?

I have never come across any papers which talks about flutter analysis of gridded fins in general, does it not under go flutter behavior or is it technically incorrect to talk about flutter for ...
ashcoolaero's user avatar
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How long does it take SpaceX to mount a stage on the McGrgeor test stand, run the test, and dismount it?

Gwynne Shotwell at SmallSat 2016 in Utah mentioned that SpaceX would be using the JCSAT-14 recovered first stage as a fleet leader in wear and tear. That they would be mounting it on the McGregor, TX ...
geoffc's user avatar
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Falcon 9 v1.1 Full Thrust Specifications

Does anyone know what the dry mass and mass ratio of the Falcon 9v1.1 Full Thrust Stage 1 is? The best info I've been able to find was by taking the specified burn time and multiplying it by the mass ...
sevenperforce's user avatar
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Atmospherics for 'next generation' manned space flight / Exploratory Class Missions

Decompression sickness is a significant risk to both current and future astronauts and currently significant time is lost in preparation for extra-vehicular activity on the ISS [including airlock ...
user12871's user avatar
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Why does SpaceX Crew Dragon not have planned holds?

I watched the launches of SpaceX Crew Demo 2 and Crew 1. I observed that there were no planned holds during the last hour of the countdown. The Space Shuttle had planned holds at T-20 minutes and T-9 ...
Codes with Hammer's user avatar
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Starship deceleration during belly flop?

Was just wondering what level of deceleration did they get during that belly flop manouver? Updated: Hiya, you're all correct, and I was a tad vague in my question! What I'm after is the vertical ...
Bytebro's user avatar
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What caused the LOX leak on Falcon 9?

On July 11, 2024, the second stage of the Falcon 9 had a LOX (Liquid Oxygen) leak in the second stage and it couldn't perform SES-2 (the second upper stage burn), causing the Starlinks onboard to be ...
Starship's user avatar
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Why did Starship lose an engine on IFT-4?

By T+0:00:06 at the latest, the Super Heavy carrying Starship for Integrated Flight Test 4 appears to have lost an engine (source and image). I know it's not a huge deal, as they can complete missions ...
Starship's user avatar
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Does Starship run on Slushies?

Cryogenic slush (a mixture of liquid and solid) can potentially store propellants at higher density than cryogenic liquid. For instance, hydrogen slush is 16-20% denser than liquid hydrogen. https://...
Woody's user avatar
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What advantages will Rocket Lab's Neutron have over the Falcon 9?

With Neutron's debut coming up next year, are there any advantages of Rocket Labs design over SpaceX's Falcon 9 FT? The most obvious I can see are the attached fairings, but certainly with all the ...
David's user avatar
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Recent GPS III Launch Intended or Unplanned Venting?

Between 14:01 and 14:14 in the following video, there is a significant gas vent happening behind the engine bell: Is this working as intended, or does that appear to ...
HumanJHawkins's user avatar
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What is the maximum thrust of the Starlink satellites?

As in the title, what is the maximum thrust (in N) that the satellites of the Starlink constellation can achieve? I read that they use Hall-effect thrusters, but I couldn't find a specification of the ...
cholo14's user avatar
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SpaceX estimates for Starship and Super-heavy heat shields maximum heating during their orbital and suborbital reentry

Did SpaceX made public their estimates for Starship orbital vehicle heat shield maximum heating (and overall reentry heating profile) during orbital reentry on Earth and same for Super-heavy booster ...
David Cage's user avatar
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Spacex NASA GOES-U 2024 contract to use Falcon Heavy? Why would they use Falcon-Heavy instead of Falcon-9 FT for the GOES-U 2024 satellite launch? Falcon-9 FT has ...
Sheldon's user avatar
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How much does the SpaceX Starship flex during the Flop maneuver?

Poring over the woes (and sucesses) of Starship prototypes SN 5-11, I had read they were trying a thinner stainless steel skin in later iterations. The flop maneuver places the centers of drag at the ...
Robert DiGiovanni's user avatar

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