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Are Falcon Heavy fairings reused?

I heard a lot about SpaceX reusing the fairings from the Falcon 9. Do they/ are they planning to do the same for Falcon Heavy?
Starship's user avatar
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Why are only 2 out of the 3 boosters on Falcon Heavy reused?

In this picture it shows that the side boosters of the Falcon heavy will land. However, the middle booster is not going to land. Why is this the case?
The Rocket fan's user avatar
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Can (or will) Block5 Falcon 9s be used on the Falcon Heavy?

With the Block5 version of Falcon 9 booster soon to be flying, will they be used for the Falcon Heavy, or will they remain a stand alone thing?
CBredlow's user avatar
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Why the soot pattern on the nosecone of Falcon Heavy side booster?

When a SpaceX booster is landed, we are used to seeing soot deposited all over it, usually in a specific pattern. You can read more about that in this question: Why the strange bands of soot of the ...
geoffc's user avatar
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Will SpaceX use a BFR Heavy mode, similar to the Falcon Heavy but with 3 BFR cores? [closed]

Big Falcon Rocket will need several (maybe 6) tanker missions to get enough fuel for a Mars mission. Does this mean at some point we may witness one BFR Heavy, made of three BFR first stages ...
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Can Falcon Heavy side boosters/center core be reused as Falcon 9s?

Since the Falcon Heavy is just essentially 3 Falcon 9s strapped together, would it be possible to reuse them as Falcon 9s with some modification?
Stanley Powers's user avatar
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Just how much of the Falcon Heavy is reusable?

I've been looking for just this one bit of info, in all the press: exactly how much of the Falcon Heavy is recoverable and reusable? Obviously not the fuel, but is all the hardware recovered? If so, ...
Chakolate's user avatar
8 votes
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Why did the Falcon Heavy core engines fail to reignite?

I realize that this is a hot take, less than twenty-four hours later at the time of posting, but is any technical detail known about why the core engines failed to restart, causing the crash?
Chris B. Behrens's user avatar
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Did the fairings from the Falcon Heavy test flight get recovered?

According to the flight plan that Elon Musk posted on Twitter, there's a section listed as 'Fairing Recovery', was this section successful? Did the Fairings get recovered?
CBredlow's user avatar
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How will they lower the landed side boosters after landing, if there is a nose cone?

To lower/handle landed stages, SpaceX has a rig that connects to the inter stage and they use it as an attach point for the crane to lift/move it. The two cores landed in Florida after the first ...
geoffc's user avatar
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Will the Falcon Heavy make the first full fairing reuse ever?

The two side boosters will need some kind of aerodynamic protection, which could very much be recovered with the rocket in one piece. Will they be recovered and reused?
Antzi's user avatar
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Will F9H's middle core receive more than max damage?

After partaking in a GTO delivery, the successful re-entry and landing of a Falcon 9 booster was described by Elon Musk as follows: Most recent rocket took max damage, due to v high entry velocity. ...
Adám's user avatar
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How many 1st stage boosters will SpaceX settle for, for its LEO/GTO fleet?

It’s common knowledge that SpaceX goal is to create a fleet of spacecraft shuttling from Earth to Mars. One milestone they intend to achieve beforehand is having a fleet of 1st stage boosters ...
y2k's user avatar
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Is it possible the Falcon Heavy Demo flight could be done with three previously flown boosters?

Thanks to their now recently official reusability capability, and after looking at the SpaceX flight manifest that showcases at least five new v1.1 FT before the Demo, it made me ponder: By the time ...
y2k's user avatar
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Falcon 9R as SSTO

Seeing as the Falcon 9R first stage is close to being reusable, could it be the basis for an SSTO rocket? In other words, does it have enough performance to make it into orbit, and then boost back and ...
Mike Wise's user avatar
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