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7 votes
2 answers

Would a laser seismometer work from lunar orbit?

Lasers today have become extremely sensible, they can detect sub-millimeter movements of a surface from a distance. Could this feature be exploited to create a lunar seismometer working from a probe ...
FluidCode's user avatar
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When they shoot lasers at the Moon for ranging, what is the shape of the beam?

Laser ranging of the Moon is usually done with a Q-switched pulsed laser fed into a big (1 or 2 meter diameter) telescope as a collimator in order to get a tight beam all the way to the Moon in hopes ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What exactly is a "Next Generation Lunar Reflector"? Difference in design and performance?'s 50 Years After Apollo, India Is Carrying a NASA Laser Reflector to the Moon (And It's Only the Start) is a little confusing because it talks about three retroreflectors: - Apollo era ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Why does LRO's laser altimeter telescopes use lenses instead of mirrors?

From's NASA's Piggyback Experiment on Israeli Moon Lander Could Aid Future Lunar Touchdowns shows an image of the laser altimeter on the LRO. It looks like the "transmit" and "...
uhoh's user avatar
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Is pinging the Moon with a laser as shown on "The Big Bang Theory" possible?

In an episode of season 3 of The Big Bang Theory, the cast sends a laser pulse to the Moon. This seems to be a real thing: What Neil & Buzz left on the Moon (2004). My questions are: Could ...
Dmytro Khmara's user avatar
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Can you launch a probe to the Moon using a laser propelled craft?

Take a very light object, propel it with a laser source on Earth at a constant acceleration. Can this object reach the Moon? Could this be more reliable than a rocket? (supposing solar panel energy ...
Esdras Caleb's user avatar
10 votes
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Doing an experiment to point a laser to the moon and back

After reading this question: I got an itch to to test out the mirrors myself (and maybe record whole process to irritate conspiracy nuts). What equipment would I need? I assume a high powered laser ...
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
7 votes
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How much power loss does the LLCD suffer in transit? writes to say (freeform improved quote): The LLCD (Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration) space terminal is designed to beam data from the moon at a rate six times faster than the best ...
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