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Questions tagged [gravity]

Questions regarding the attractive force present between two masses. If about research in artificial gravity (i.e. manmade substitutes for gravity), please use the artificial-gravity tag.

-3 votes
2 answers

Is perceived weightlessness greater in orbit due to constantly falling?

I'm familiar with $F_{g} = G\frac{m_{1}m_{2}}{r^{2}}$ and I was wondering if that means anyone orbiting the Earth actually experiences greater perceived weightlessness due to orbit itself compared to ...
cfx's user avatar
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Could there be a difference to the human body between Low Earth Orbit “zero G” microgravity and midway between planets weak gravitational fields?

Would there be different effects on the human body (physiology, chemistry, psychology, other) over long periods of time if there was very very low gravitational field acting on it instead of being in ...
BradV's user avatar
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What is the order of magnitude of perturbing forces in a lunar orbit in relation to the orbital altitude?

Although there are many sources that compare the magnitude of perturbing forces in an Earth orbit (see for example the answer to this question), I haven't been able to find the same information for ...
Djembo's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How is the equation for non-spherical gravitational accelerations derived?

I am referencing Vallado (4th edition) to understand the acceleration contributions on a spacecraft due to non-spherical gravitational effects. Generally, I understand this derivation, except for how ...
Danny's user avatar
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2 answers

How high did Philae bounce?

The Philae lander bounced off 67P/C-G due to low gravity, but how high did it actually bounce?
Mar's user avatar
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1 answer

Are the Jupiter-Io Lagrange points stable?

Lagrange points are solutions to the three-body problem. Moving among Jupiter's Galilean moons seems likely to be at least a six-body problem, so there is no reason to assume the three-body solutions ...
c roald's user avatar
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How do Inertial Navigation Systems compensate for their inability to measure gravitational acceleration?

Inertial Navigation Systems calculate position by measuring acceleration. But they are unable to measure gravitational acceleration since gravity always acts equally on the test mass and the ...
Woody's user avatar
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Artifical Gravity central core [duplicate]

so have read about the centrifugal acceleration to create artificial gravity. Being mindful of the limitations of getting objects into space, the question is more curiosity. Is it possible to work ...
Luke Matthews's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Person falling from space

A person at rest 500 km above the Earth falls straight downwards. She has a snug magical force field around her that is totally rigid and completely protects her from outside heat. The force field ...
CapIsland's user avatar
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2 answers

If a baby was born on the ISS, what would its nationality be?

If a baby was born on the ISS, what would its nationality be? Many countries grant citizenship to any baby born within their territory, but the ISS is not national territory ... or is it? If a ...
DuckyPolice alt's user avatar
0 votes
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What speed could you achieve by slingshotting around earth from moon?

Imagine Apollo 13 had fuel to burn engines on the way back to earth but instead used earths gravity to accelerate and the slingshot around earth
Zach's user avatar
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3 answers

Would orbital ring platforms affect the orbit of a planet?

If we built an orbiting platform of sufficient mass (let's say, made from harvested asteroids) that was anchored at both poles of the planet it surrounded, would such an addition to the planet's mass ...
Dan East's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can a ship's thrusters amplify a gravity assist?

If a ship successfully absorbs a planet's kinetic energy to increase its speed, can it add to that speed by firing its thrusters? Thank you very much.
Mike Tuggle's user avatar
4 votes
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Do knots behave any differently in zero gravity?

What happens to knots in zero gravity? Do they behave any differently? I've tried to do some reading on it, but I can't find anything related to knots in zero gravity.
LLLK7's user avatar
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