
I compared the Earth-centered positions from the Moon in the ICRF (i.e., in GCRF) using three different sources:

All simulations use the DE421 ephemeris and cover the same time (365 days, starting at the same JD TBD; Skyfield/Spiceypy simply use the time-values provided in GMAT's report file).

I observed the following:

  • The obtained Earth-centered Moon positions are basically identical between SpiceyPy and Skyfield (max. difference 2e-5 meters)
  • The difference between GMAT (Luna.EarthICRF.X/Y/Z) and Skyfield/SpicePy varies up to almost 70 meters.

Plot of the euclidean distance between GMAT and Skyfield: difference between GMAT and Skyfield Moon positions

I analysed the Moon positions from GMAT and Skyfield:

  • the length of the position vectors (i.e. distance to Earth centre) is identical by -1.5...1.5 mm
  • but the normal vectors to the ecliptic plane (cross product of position and velocity vectors) have different directions. Even worse, the angle between the normal vectors varies over time:

angle difference

Looks like GMAT's ICRF output and Skyfield's ICRF output are slightly "misaligned". This makes me wonder, because both Skyfield and GMAT are supposed to output their positions in ICRF.

I looked at GMAT's code and found the function RotationMatrixFromICRFToFK5() (https://github.com/ChristopherRabotin/GMAT/blob/GMAT-2020a/src/base/coordsystem/CoordinateConverter.cpp). It uses a vector from GMAT's file ICRF_Table.txt to calculate the time dependent transformation between FK5 and ICRF.

The exact same function was implemented in Python. Now, if I take GMAT's Moon position and rotate it (theoretically from ICRF to FK5), I got new Moon positions that I compared again with Skyfield. The Euclidean distance looks now as follows:

distance corrected GMAT to Skyfield

This looks pretty right, with a difference up to 2 cm.

Now my questions:

  • Why do I need to perform a (theoretical) transformation from ICRF to FK5 on GMAT's output to get the same result as obtained from Skyfield (and Spiceypy)? Both tools use the same ephemeris.
  • Is it possible that GMAT (accidentally) performs a FK5 to ICRF transformation on the calculated Moon positions, although the used ephemeris already provides ICRF?
  • What is the explanation for having a time dependent transformation between FK5 and ICRF? Aren't both inertial systems fixed to distance celestial objects?

Additional hint: I also compared JPL Horizons Moon output for the same time frame (by interpolating it to the relevant time steps): again, the positions between Horizons and Skyfield/Spiceypy are almost identical (error up to 4 meters; Horizons doesn't use DE421), whereas there is a notable difference between GMAT and Horizons.

GMAT provides some explanations for its reference systems (https://gmat.sourceforge.net/docs/R2018a/html/CoordinateSystem.html), but I found no obvious explanation for the observed difference in Earth-centered Moon positions in ICRF.


Thank you all! Thibault

Edit on 25.06.2023: correct link to SpiceyPy.

Additional info 02.09.2023

When comparing Moon positions based on DE421 and outputted in GMAT's EarthMJ2000eq frame, the numbers a virtually identical to the ones provided by Skyfield or SpiceyPy.

It seems that GMAT's frame EarthMJ2000eq (a.k.a. J2000/EME-2000) perfectly equals to the an Earth-centered ICRF, i.e. GCRF. This sounds reasonable, as Spice also uses ICRF but calls it J2000. Why isn't this explained in GMAT's documentation?

Also, it's still a mystery to me what GMAT's ICRF frame actually represents. From what I can see, GMAT transforms its EarthMJ2000eq positions through a "FK5 to ICRF" transformation to get ICRF. This would be fine if EarthMJ2000eq would be in FK5, but it's apparently already in ICRF.

Disclaimer: all tested with GMAT 2020a, and not the newer release 2022a.

  • $\begingroup$ Interesting question, and good detail, but I'm almost certain that this is a better fit for the Astronomy Stack Exchange, not the Space Exploration one. We focus more on Human and Robotic spaceflight, rather than celestial bodies. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 20, 2023 at 21:21
  • 8
    $\begingroup$ @Infinite_Maelstrom No, not at all! This is is exactly where to ask about a numerical disagreement between gmat and spice or skyfield $\endgroup$
    – uhoh
    Commented Jun 21, 2023 at 4:54

1 Answer 1


GMAT is wrong! Per their Jira they fail to consider the fact that J2000 and ICRF are the same in SPICE's eyes (as you mentioned), but then does a conversion to ICRF from that J2000 frame which causes the issues you mentioned. Looks like your post actually instigated them to look at this problem!

Edit: Heres the actual link of the GMAT Jira regarding your post (thank you greg!) https://gmat.atlassian.net/browse/GMT-8005

  • $\begingroup$ I think you links are mixed up, last one points to this question. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 24 at 16:22
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thank you Dec for the info! Huge relief on my side. Looks like this is a known and still open issue since 2015. Hints in the user guide are not helpful, the code needs to be fixed. $\endgroup$
    – Thibault
    Commented Apr 25 at 17:49

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