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Your question 2:

Why it is required to learn Russian language in ISS when English language is indeed an international language, and should be used English language in ISS? Because, really. ISS is an American spice station and not Soviet space station.

The ISS is an international station. The USA is the biggest contributor, but Russia and many other nations also contribute. You need to learn Russian because at the moment the Russian Soyuz capsule is the only vehicle that can transport people to the station, so everyone needs to know how the Soyuz works so they can operate the capsule in an emergency.

All labels in the Soyuz capsule and all text on the Soyuz displays are in Russian.

As Antzi says, it'd be a long and difficult road to get hired by NASA as an astronaut. Fortunately, several companies are working on their own manned space programs (for example, SpaceX and Boeing) so in a few years, there may be other ways to get into space.

Your question 2:

Why it is required to learn Russian language in ISS when English language is indeed an international language, and should be used English language in ISS? Because, really. ISS is an American spice station and not Soviet space station.

The ISS is an international station. The USA is the biggest contributor, but Russia and many other nations also contribute. You need to learn Russian because at the moment the Russian Soyuz capsule is the only vehicle that can transport people to the station, so everyone needs to know how the Soyuz works so they can operate the capsule in an emergency.

As Antzi says, it'd be a long and difficult road to get hired by NASA as an astronaut. Fortunately, several companies are working on their own manned space programs (for example, SpaceX and Boeing) so in a few years, there may be other ways to get into space.

Your question 2:

Why it is required to learn Russian language in ISS when English language is indeed an international language, and should be used English language in ISS? Because, really. ISS is an American spice station and not Soviet space station.

The ISS is an international station. The USA is the biggest contributor, but Russia and many other nations also contribute. You need to learn Russian because at the moment the Russian Soyuz capsule is the only vehicle that can transport people to the station, so everyone needs to know how the Soyuz works so they can operate the capsule in an emergency.

All labels in the Soyuz capsule and all text on the Soyuz displays are in Russian.

As Antzi says, it'd be a long and difficult road to get hired by NASA as an astronaut. Fortunately, several companies are working on their own manned space programs (for example, SpaceX and Boeing) so in a few years, there may be other ways to get into space.

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Your question 2:

Why it is required to learn Russian language in ISS when English language is indeed an international language, and should be used English language in ISS? Because, really. ISS is an American spice station and not Soviet space station.

The ISS is an international station. The USA is the biggest contributor, but Russia and many other nations also contribute. You need to learn Russian because at the moment the Russian Soyuz capsule is the only vehicle that can transport people to the station, so everyone needs to know how the Soyuz works so they can operate the capsule in an emergency.

As Antzi says, it'd be a long and difficult road to get hired by NASA as an astronaut. Fortunately, several companies are working on their own manned space programs (for example, SpaceX and Boeing) so in a few years, there may be other ways to get into space.