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Uhoh pointed out silly mistake
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Orbit : Apogee : 408 km Perigee : 401.1 km

Kepler law of equal area in equal time says that the velocity ratio Apogee/Perigee = 4086808/4016801.1 km = 1.017001

Drag is propertional to square of velocity hence drag ratio = 1.034002

Assumption : Drag coefficient is same for the velocities and atmospheric density does not change appreciably in 7 km difference at such high altitude.

So, 30.4%2% should be the change in drag force.

Orbit : Apogee : 408 km Perigee : 401.1 km

Kepler law of equal area in equal time says that the velocity ratio Apogee/Perigee = 408/401.1 km = 1.017

Drag is propertional to square of velocity hence drag ratio = 1.034

Assumption : Drag coefficient is same for the velocities and atmospheric density does not change appreciably in 7 km difference at such high altitude.

So, 3.4% should be the change in drag force.

Orbit : Apogee : 408 km Perigee : 401.1 km

Kepler law of equal area in equal time says that the velocity ratio Apogee/Perigee = 6808/6801.1 km = 1.001

Drag is propertional to square of velocity hence drag ratio = 1.002

Assumption : Drag coefficient is same for the velocities and atmospheric density does not change appreciably in 7 km difference at such high altitude.

So, 0.2% should be the change in drag force.

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Orbit : Apogee : 408 km Perigee : 401.1 km

Kepler law of equal area in equal time says that the velocity ratio Apogee/Perigee = 408/401.1 km = 1.017

Drag is propertional to square of velocity hence drag ratio = 1.034

Assumption : Drag coefficient is same for the velocities and atmospheric density does not change appreciably in 7 km difference at such high altitude.

So, 3.4% should be the change in drag force.