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According to the OSIRIS-REx website run by NASA the heat shield on the sample return capsule removes over 99% of the initial kinetic energy:

[![pic from ][2]][2]pic from

That should be enough to prevent any chemical/biological changes and preserve the regolith for further scientific study. [2]:

According to the OSIRIS-REx website run by NASA the heat shield on the sample return capsule removes over 99% of the initial kinetic energy:

[![pic from ][2]][2]

That should be enough to prevent any chemical/biological changes and preserve the regolith for further scientific study. [2]:

According to the OSIRIS-REx website run by NASA the heat shield on the sample return capsule removes over 99% of the initial kinetic energy:

pic from

That should be enough to prevent any chemical/biological changes and preserve the regolith for further scientific study.

Fixed spelling/grammar, blew away fluff, inlined link, tweaked markdown.
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Nathan Tuggy
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According the the OSIRIS-RExto OSIRIS-REx website run by NASA website run by NASA the headheat shield on the sample return capsule removes over 99% of the initial kinetic energy. The website isn't really set up to have a direct link to the info so I took a screenshot:

[![pic from ][2]][2]

That should be enough to prevent any chemical/biological changes and preserve the regolith for further scientific study.

  [2]: pic from

According the the OSIRIS-REx website run by NASA the head shield on the sample return capsule removes over 99% of the initial kinetic energy. The website isn't really set up to have a direct link to the info so I took a screenshot.

That should be enough to prevent any chemical/biological changes and preserve the regolith for further scientific study.

 pic from

According to the OSIRIS-REx website run by NASA the heat shield on the sample return capsule removes over 99% of the initial kinetic energy:

[![pic from ][2]][2]

That should be enough to prevent any chemical/biological changes and preserve the regolith for further scientific study. [2]:

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According the the OSIRIS-REx website run by NASA the head shield on the sample return capsule removes over 99% of the initial kinetic energy. The website isn't really set up to have a direct link to the info so I took a screenshot.

That should be enough to prevent any chemical/biological changes and preserve the regolith for further scientific study.

pic from