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I am curious what is the right number of questions to answer (with the highest standard of quality not being sacrificed for quantity) to have your credibility go up by 200 points/day?

My initial data suggests it is somewhere around 5-8 questions, but I assume it varies by user.

Do highly up-voted questions tend to get highly up-voted answers?

I am curious what is the right number of questions to answer to have your credibility go up by 200 points/day?

My initial data suggests it is somewhere around 5-8 questions, but I assume it varies by user.

I am curious what is the right number of questions to answer (with the highest standard of quality not being sacrificed for quantity) to have your credibility go up by 200 points/day?

My initial data suggests it is somewhere around 5-8 questions, but I assume it varies by user.

Do highly up-voted questions tend to get highly up-voted answers?

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How many questions should you answer per day to gain reputation at the optimal rate without expending to much time answering?

I am curious what is the right number of questions to answer to have your credibility go up by 200 points/day?

My initial data suggests it is somewhere around 5-8 questions, but I assume it varies by user.