I'm looking for a setup with 30 analog outputs sound card.

For now the only product I can see is the Motu 24io (2 of them), which seems to be out of date.

Any idea of another hardware?

4 Answers 4


Not aware of any single units that will provide that many analog outs (but happy to be wrong) Also, FYI Motu have updated their product range recently so something like 2 x 16A's or 24Ao units could fit the bill

  • Spectro???????? Commented May 12, 2015 at 18:00
  • Hi Mark ... well spotted ...
    – Stelios
    Commented May 13, 2015 at 11:31
  • Good to see some more C74 forum users round here. Strangely enough I think EMV is also a Max user. Commented May 21, 2015 at 11:41

Many professional external audio interfaces can be stacked or extended to get more inputs/outputs: RME, MOTU, Avid (Pro Tools HD), SSL, Apogee...

Some work by daisy chaining firewire or thunderbolt interfaces, others use a PCIe card with one of more dedicated digital multichannel interfaces that connect to rack hardware containing the analog inputs/outputs.

  • Any idea of good hardware that meet my requirements? Outside of the Motu brand? Thanks! Commented May 12, 2015 at 16:21
  • Why do you dislike Motu? All of these systems are a considerable investment, but all of them produce quality gear, with Motu being a bit cheaper than the rest (and arguably, the rest being of even higher quality).
    – EMV
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 18:49
  • Thanks, I was saying "outside of the Motu brand" because I already know their products. Commented May 12, 2015 at 21:46

You could get a very solid 30 output system from RME using their MADI DA:


Not cheap though!


I recommend paying attention to various MADI solutions.

For example, I highly recommend to see the RME's MADI solutions in conjunction with an Ferrofish's A32 AD/DA Converter

You can add and add new MADI expansion in the chain - up to 32x/64x/and more analog ports.

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