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want to what's wrong in my contract as i can't able to call my deposit function

use anchor_lang::prelude::*; use anchor_spl::token::{self, Token, TokenAccount, Transfer as SplTransfer}; // use solana_program::system_instruction; use solana_program::{account_info::AccountInfo, ...
SACRED- ESP's user avatar
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get transactions/logs from different program, on a span of blocks

Here is the situation: I'm using Rust. I need to be able to "listen" to transaction, or at least logs from a list of solana program. I cannot use Websocket's "logsubscribe" ...
Nathan's user avatar
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"package solana-program v1.18.7 cannot be built" error [duplicate]

I have a new Rust project that gives the following error when I compile it. package `solana-program v1.18.7` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.72.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc ...
mezzosoprano's user avatar
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How to pause program on Solana?

How can I pause program in Anchor on Solana like pause provided by Solidity? I know programs on Solana is stateless, but I need to achieve this function.
user9310's user avatar
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Deserialise getAccountInfo data from Rust rpcclient for a PDA from drift protocol

Basically I have the following code in devnet. I want to call getAccountInfo to get some account information. I have a PDA: JD71QyQpAJvoyq4p6mfwyaw4rY9qaDLk4CQpHeuPSpEK created by the programId: ...
panicKing's user avatar
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How is the PDA created for this program?

in this code example: use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use solana_program::{ account_info::{next_account_info, AccountInfo}, declare_id, entrypoint::ProgramResult, msg, ...
FluffyMuffin47's user avatar
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CustomAccount deserialization issue

I have this piece of code, it skips the first 8 bytes of the account data as that's the descriminator pub struct CustomProgramAccountStruct { pub pubkey: Pubkey, pub authority: Pubkey, pub ...
Muhit Raihan's user avatar
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Cannot perform a CPI call using anchor

I tried to make a CPI call from puppret_master to puppet program exactly like the anchor document and i did everything right but "program" AND "cpi" keywords are still unkown for ...
pooria sarkhan's user avatar
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On-chain program security related question (non-anchor)

What checks or kind of security should I implement if I'm developing an onchain program without using Anchor-lang?
Muhit Raihan's user avatar
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How to deal with floating point arithmetic in solana programs

Let us suppose an item A costs 5 USD and I want to purchase this item with the equivalent SOL amount inside my solana program. For robustness, I am fetching the price from within the program using an ...
Burger Bob's user avatar
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What Rust Crates are allowed in Solana Smart contract?

I'm wondering if it is possible to implement a federated averaging function on solana. But im not sure if I can use the crates that would allow me to do that. Here are the crates i wanna use. Numpy ...
Ace's user avatar
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Create Token Account only if not Initialized yet in program (Native Rust)

Doing this in Typescript is pretty straightforward by making an RPC call or getOrCreateAssociatedAccount, but I am wondering if there is a way to do this program side as well without using Anchor. For ...
ixmorrow's user avatar
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Avoiding "Stack offset of X exceeded max offset" error

I'm trying to understand how to best avoid this Stack error. At first I thought this was just related to serialising/deserialising data as if i tried to get more than 4096 in one chunk I got the ...
daoplays's user avatar
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How do I create an NFT using Anchor?

What is the simplest way to create an NFT using Anchor, without using the candy machine. The goal is to be able to mint a token and corresponding metadata. Ideally with a single instruction.
zfedoran's user avatar
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