Please let me know if you have come across a tool with this capability for Windows 7

1) read system start up and shut down times from the windows event log

2) subtract the time while the system was locked or logged off

Or if there is nothing like above, at least anything partial like parsed output of item (1) alone above, so that I can build on that

3 Answers 3


If you want CLI, you can use the Get-WinEvent cmdlet in Windows PowerShell (free, included in Windows XP and later):

  • read system start up times: Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{L ogname='System';ID=6005}. Event 6005 is logged at boot time noting that the Event Log service was started. It gives the message "The Event log service was started".

enter image description here

  • read system shut down times: Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{L ogname='System';ID=6006}. Event 6006 is logged as a clean shutdown. It gives the message "The Event log service was stopped".

enter image description here

  • read system log off times: Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{L ogname='System';ID=4634}.

enter image description here

and so on.

FYI List of all Windows 7 Event IDs and Sources?.


Found this great tool, to get all the on/off times.

Screen from Owner


If you want a GUI , it can simply use the Event Viewer, which is included in Windows NT and all its successors.


enter image description here

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