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nvoigt's user avatar
nvoigt's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • Hanover, Germany
106 votes

How do I prevent Scrum from turning great developers into average developers?

85 votes

May a value of a constant be changed over time?

77 votes

How to develop excellent software with agile methods?

51 votes

What advantage was gained by implementing LINQ in a way that does not cache the results?

38 votes

Agile Practices: Code Review - Fail the review or raise an issue?

36 votes

How to make Scrum less stressful

34 votes

C# namespace and class naming convention for libraries

30 votes

TDD Red-Green-Refactor and if/how to test methods that become private

25 votes

In "I don’t want my users knowing that I’m handing them an interface.", why is the severity "I don’t want" instead of "Users don't need to know"?

18 votes

Is constructing objects with null parameters in unit tests OK?

12 votes

Limits of Defensive Programming acknowledging that Exception Handling should be avoided

10 votes

How easy is it to hack JavaScript (in a browser)?

9 votes

Beginners C# question about Array.Reverse

9 votes

How to Unit-Test a parser of a file?

9 votes

Should one create a new git branch for each issue?

9 votes

Should a class be responsible for its own configuration

9 votes

How to simplify exception handling for library users?

8 votes

Can I assume "Perf" is a commonly understood abbreviation for "Performance" in the context of Software Engineering?

8 votes

Setting up private properties for unit testing

8 votes

Who should handle customer support within an Agile team?

8 votes

Does every choice incur technical debt?

7 votes

How should support/bugfixes work in a larger organisation?

6 votes

Who guarantees the data integrity of a denormalized table, me or the DBMS?

6 votes

params T[] vs IEnumerable<T> as parameter type

6 votes

Is it legitimate to ask co-workers to use specific browser in an intranet website?

6 votes

Fail fast is brittle

6 votes

GET vs POST when exposing machine learning model predictions using a REST API

5 votes

Should I restrict my api with CORS?

5 votes

Class Constructor that Takes Two Arguments of the Same Interface - But Order Matters

5 votes

At which point using string-based enums can become a real problem?