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The high-level design and description of a software system. Architectural design distills away details of implementations, algorithms, and data representation to concentrate on the interaction of "black box" components.

12 votes

Two frameworks one repo

This depends. You can ask yourself a couple of questions to reach an answer: Do I often want to re-deploy one half without the other? Do most changes affect either the frontend or the backend, but n …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
1 vote

What does it mean when data bus is 32 bits wide

It doesn't really matter if a 32 bit data bus is implemented as 32 wires that each transport 1 bit per cycle, or one wire that transports 32 bits serially per cycle, or anything in between. The impor …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
5 votes

What's the proper class hierarchy to use for matrices?

Using a class hierarchy is not generally advisable in such cases, since your subtypes encode specific data constraints. If your matrices are mutable (i.e. elements of the matrix can be updated), then …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
4 votes

Serverside validation in a web application

Typically, as early as possible – validation should happen at a system boundary, but you'll have to decide where exactly to draw that boundary. When working in a typed language, a good rule of thumb i …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
2 votes

Develop desktop apps with communication between

For that reason – and because it would be a risky security architecture –, the server should not be identical with the desktop device of your boss. …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
1 vote

Computer Architecture : Out of order execution - Load/Store

Out of order execution is a microarchitecture detail. The CPU may reorder instructions only when this doesn't change the observable or specified behaviour. Here, this can be achieved in one of two way …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
1 vote

How to find architectural antipatterns / bad smells?

There are a couple of architecture-level patterns that avoid specific problems, but there isn't a “correct” or “best” architecture. There also isn't a single architecture for each system. … You might notice some architecture patterns (e.g. a microservice architecture, or a MVVM architecture), but that is not the same as understanding why this architecture was chosen for that problem domain …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
11 votes

Why are most language virtual machines designed with a load/store architecture? Is there a s...

There are a variety of VMs, including VMs that use “registers”. However, the point of the VM is that it abstracts over physical machines so the VM will likely not limit the number of registers! Such r …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
8 votes

Multi tenant architecture, single database?

This cannot be done atomically, so you must architecture your application to deal with multiple schema versions simultaneously (or have some setup that lets you gradually move connections over to new versions …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
82 votes

Is "Clean Architecture" by Bob Martin a rule of thumb for all architectures or is it just on...

While the “Clean Architecture” is fine and has many advantages, it is important to remember that: The Clean Architecture is largely Robert C. … This is perfectly fine, and leads to a simple layered architecture. The Hexagonal Architecture goes further and stops making a distinction between frontend and backend. …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
2 votes

Web Application that is independent of web server software

Your webapp could run on its own server which is simply forwarded through the required deployment web server, which is a sane architecture in any case. …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
1 vote

Design patterns for migrating a legacy database model

There isn't a particularly good way to transition to a new data model. Ideally you can design the new data model, migrate your data to the new model, and be done. But many projects can't do that beca …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
1 vote

How can I keep a web application easy to self host while still breaking it up in to multiple...

One approach might be to consider what exactly “configuration” is supposed to mean in your system. E.g. The 12-Factor App defines config as “everything that is likely to vary between deploys”. For yo …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
28 votes

Should I separate unit tests and integration tests?

In general: yes, you should put integration tests and unit tests into different folders. Often, programmers don't draw a clear line between these two kinds of tests and just write whatever kind of tes …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
7 votes

Implementing Context-based and global Undo/Redo Functionality

This is fundamentally a user experience question. Test this with actual users! From a software engineering standpoint, any approach could be correct here. A solution that might work well in practice …
amon's user avatar
  • 135k

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