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Questions about the definition of software-engineering terms, and about the right terms to use to refer to commonly known concepts, practices or patterns related to software and systems development life cycle. Using the right terms correctly is a core practice of the scientific and engineering reasoning.

1 vote

What is "syntactic delegation"

Looks like Steve Yegge refers to explicit support of delegation by means of programming language syntax. Given his references to C++ and Java I would say he has in mind something like support for del …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
2 votes

What exactly comprises 'Documentation'?

Documentation is stuff intended to be read without modifying it. I think you can't go wrong with purpose-based definition... but only if you define purpose properly. Properly defining documentation …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
11 votes

Better word for Optional Requirements?

For software requirements documentation, wording Optional Requirements is perfectly OK, as long as you use this term in conformance with RFC 2119 Key words to Indicate Requirement Levels - ie to indic …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
13 votes

What is meaning of a HINT when used in software engineering?

The notion of hints is a particular way to express a specific API contract, or maybe more precisely, lack thereof. Basic idea is that application developer passes some information to the underlying sy …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
10 votes

What is the difference between development and R&D?

The difference is in the expectations. When I've been working in R&D, I was primarily expected to provide research results. When I've been working in development, I was primarily expected to provide …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
5 votes

Is there a term for reusing code by retyping it?

High quality code is typically supposed to be readable, in the sense that reading it is sufficient to understand and (re)use. Given that your case is rather opposite, it looks like of one the "write- …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
9 votes

Deprecated vs. Denigrated in JavaDoc?

Merriam-Webster definition of denigrate suggests: 1: to attack the reputation of : defame <denigrate one's opponents> 2: to deny the importance or validity of: belittle <denigrate their achievements> …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
27 votes

What are the different meanings of 'fixture'?

In the context of testing tools you mentioned, such as PHPUnit and Fitnesse, this term definitely refers to the notion of test fixture: something used to consistently test some item, device, or pi …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
8 votes

How to document experimental or incomplete APIs like @deprecated?

Appropriate term is most likely incubator, this is one used by Google and Apache: google-web-toolkit-incubator The Official incubator of widgets and libraries for Google Web Toolkit... Apach …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
30 votes

Is there a named anti pattern for historically grown software?

Your description fits Foote and Yoder's Big Ball of Mud: Over the last several years, a number of authors... have presented patterns that characterize high-level software architectures... In an id …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k
2 votes

Explanation of satellite data from a programmer's perspective

You are likely confused with popular meaning of satellite as a spacecraft. Meaning in your quote is not about space technology. Better look up other term definitions in Wiktionary: An attendant o …
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.1k