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The high-level design and description of a software system. Architectural design distills away details of implementations, algorithms, and data representation to concentrate on the interaction of "black box" components.

0 votes

Onion Architecture PopUpService

"So i create an interface IPopUpService in the application layer. Suddenly i have access to to it in the persistence layer." The fact that you can reference something doesn't mean that you should; y …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
6 votes

What is the difference between business capability and subdomain Decomposition in microservi...

Decomposition by business capability As your quote mentions, business architecture modeling is not a software engineering discipline, it's a way for a business to understand and describe what is it that …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
1 vote

Factory pattern with creators

Generally speaking, whenever you have two pieces of code that should be decoupled but should work together, you wire them up in a third piece of code that depends on both (assuming you're not relying …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
19 votes

What should presenters return in Clean Architecture?

Let's just start with the approach that would feel straightforward to someone who's used to CRUD-based applications, and see how we can evolve the architecture from there. … What I'm trying to get at is why Clean Architecture has the elements that it has. …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
3 votes

Managing multiple state machines interacting with each others in ES5 Javascript

One way to look at this is that a finite state machine is basically just a function + a state variable, that, when given an input, updates the state variable, and produces an (input & state)-dependent …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
2 votes

Component Diagram Usage

According to the UML 2.5 normative specification document that can be found here, a component is a classifier (section 11.6.4. Notation): A Component is shown as a Classifier rectangle [...]. The …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
1 vote

Develop based on my current requirements only?

This seems like something you can add fairly easily at any point (especially if this service if new, in terms of its life-cycle as a product, since in that case the cost of rewriting whole chunks of c …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
1 vote

How to make the controller framework independent in Clean Architecture?

Full Answer: Think of the Clean Architecture as more of an ideal to strive to, rather then something you need to setup exactly right from the beginning. …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
3 votes

Clean Architecture, how does the use case interactor generate different outputs?

Think of Clean Architecture as of a map, not a prescription.) How you'd go about this completely depends on the details of your application & business logic. … See my answer here to see how you might arrive at a clean architecture–like dependency structure, starting from a typical function with an input and an output. …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
1 vote

Clean Architecture Gateway layer depends on outer layer

On a related note, in a distributed system (say, a collection of interacting services), you can still think about the architecture and dependencies in a similar way (it's just a different deployment model … After all the number of layers in Clean Architecture is not fixed. …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
4 votes

Why and how are Server-side Web MVC and client-side/desktop MVC not the same?

So choosing a framework does not in itself amount to choosing an architecture; rather, MVC is a pattern that's applied by the developer team in order to achieve said separation. …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
7 votes

Why do frameworks give more flexibility to models than controllers?

Basically, in layered architecture, the Model is a part of the business logic layer (BLL), or in simpler systems, it is the BLL. …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
13 votes

What is the purpose of this apparent self reference in C#?

Can some help me understand why the class is inheriting from a base of same type? It's not, it's inheriting from Page<T>, but T itself is constrained to be parameterized by a type that is derived …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
5 votes

Dependencies within the inner hexagon of Ports and Adapters

It doesn't contradict the statement. Conceptually, your business object, App, provides "ports" (the two interfaces) so that you can hook up other components on top. The two interfaces are owned by the …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar
3 votes

How to handle common functionality that is not business logic in clean architecture

What's implicit in Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture is that "underneath" everything there is some common infrastructure that every circle depends on (e.g. the standard libraries provided with the language …
Filip Milovanović's user avatar

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