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Questions about problem solving and planning for a solution through software design.

0 votes

How to measure how "changy" something is?

RSS is still a thing. While not obvious, a lot of news websites still support RSS and, if recent news are anything to go by with, this old-but-lovely protocol seems to be making a comeback nowadays. G …
T. Sar's user avatar
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0 votes

Should clients send all required information to servers?

If you're going Microservices, keep them Micro. Assume we have two banks, B1 and B2, with wildly different APIs. One can be online while the other isn't. Updates to them will be done at different time …
T. Sar's user avatar
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32 votes

In C#, is there a way to enforce behavior coupling in interface methods or is the fact that ...

You're asking too much of C# Interfaces. C# Interfaces are contracts. They say what pack of methods a given class implements, and they guarantee that those methods will be there if someone calls them …
T. Sar's user avatar
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1 vote

Double way parent child relationship in Django

You can use the usual design as any other part of the system, without special, magic code. …
T. Sar's user avatar
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0 votes

Turn based game class design

Well, first things first :) You don't really need to mess with namespaces on your case. Namespaces are more of an organizational tool than anything else. Most of the time, tho, you can just leave thi …
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