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The high-level design and description of a software system. Architectural design distills away details of implementations, algorithms, and data representation to concentrate on the interaction of "black box" components.

0 votes

How to translate a class diagram to code?

During the design stage ... However, during coding stage .... First up, let's address your confusion here. Writing code is design. So what you are doing isn't "design" then "code", it's all desig …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
64 votes

Value of using private methods vs all public in classes for internal software for ease of un...

I've left them public for ease of unit testing Ease of writing those tests, maybe. But you are then tightly coupling that class to a bunch of tests that interact with its inner workings. This res …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
6 votes

What is the cost implication on re-assigning a variable in an if statement

Unless you are obsessive over micro-optimising your code, then the cost is purely in terms of readability and complexity, which is after all at least as important as performance. You are assigning a …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
3 votes

Reconciling the Interface Segregation Principle with the need to uniquely identify an object

Assuming that I've understood you, you have a situation where: 1. Currently you have a couple of types that implement IsConditionMet and IdentifiesAs. 2. You see a situation where in the future, you …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
7 votes

What is optimal number of entity abstraction levels?

Getting the right level of abstraction is a classic "Goldilocks" scenario: If you have too few abstractions, you risk eg leaking details of the ORM into other layers and of creating undesirable coupl …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
3 votes

Always return the parameter when it has changed inside the method?

If I see: public SomeModel DoSomething(SomeModel someModel) then, unless I have access to the source and read it to find out otherwise, I'd generally assume that it returns a new SomeModel, having …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
1 vote

Is it a good practice to use self-defined exception?

Someone says it is good as the exception comes meaningful and readable, and the opposition thinks it is redundant to define every possible exception and catching exceptions is performance hurting. …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
5 votes

Single responsibility of Program class in C#

The approach I take is to view Program.Main as untestable without running the app. Therefore, it (and the rest of Program) should only have responsibility for setting up the runtime composition and ki …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
14 votes

Is it problematic to have a dependency between objects of the same layer in a layered softwa...

I am comfortable to say that an object belonging to a layer can depend on objects from lower layers To be honest, I don't think you should be comfortable with that. When dealing with anything but …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
6 votes

What are the benefits of modeling software systems vs. doing it all in code?

I am asking if it makes sense to use (non-code) documents that model the software as the primary source of truth about software design No. This never makes sense. Your code is your primary design …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
24 votes

Is Poor Man's Dependency Injection a good way to introduce testability to a legacy application?

You make a false assumption here over what "poor man's DI" is. Creating a class that has a "shortcut" constructor that still creates coupling is not poor man's DI. Not using a container, and creati …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
2 votes

Should the web client (web browser) be counted as a tier in n-tier architecture?

So taking that definition, the diagram shows a three tier, four layer architecture. The browser definitely is a tier, and, for example, "presentation" isn't a tier; it's a layer. …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
9 votes

Why is JUnit called a Framework?

A simple rule of thumb that many use for whether to call something a library or framework is: Does the external code call your code, ie does the external code control your code? Is yes, it's a frame …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
2 votes

Replace Conditional with Polymorphism in a proper way?

Determining whether a confirmation is needed is the responsibility of the Cat class, so enable it to perform that action. I do not know Kotlin, so I'll express things in C#. Hopefully the ideas are th …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k
1 vote

Method that is aware of interface underlying type without reflection

The approach I'd take would be to employ some IoC to the builder. Whether the builder is static or injected isn't important here, so I'll just refer to it as builder. The key thing is that builder onl …
David Arno's user avatar
  • 39.4k

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