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Post Made Community Wiki by Swab.Jat
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Scrum is the bastard child of Agile. Its the most waterfall-style of all the agile methodologies, and that's why its the most popular amongst managers.

All agile methods are about producing working code without crap getting in the way. Read that again. And again.

Anything that gets in the way of that goal, regardless of the "agile rules" is bad. If the rules get in the way, change the f**** rules! That's the agile way, that's what makes it relevant and effective.

The best example of this is given by Alistair Cockburn (one of the originators of the agile manifesto):

“Put 4-6 people in a room with workstations and whiteboards and access to the users. Have them deliver running, tested software to the users every one or two months, and otherwise leave them alone.”

If that works for the quality of guys you have, then that's all you need. You don't need a scrum master or any "agile" methodology. If sitting down in a daily scrum works for you, then f***** do it. Making you stand up is just pathetic abrogation of your ability to think for yourselves.

There's a response to the kind of agile you're doing. Its this. Print it out and pin it up somewhere when no-one else is around and let them discover it for themselves.