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fixed and/AND ambiguity, typo (BPCL → BCPL), and mobile wikipedia links
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Strangely, the history of C-style programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BPCLBCPL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated).

Interestingly, this doubling does not create any ambiguity for the reader: a && b will not be misinterpreted as a(&(&b)). From a parsing point of view, there is no ambiguity either: &b could make sense if b were an lvalue, but it would be a pointer whereas the bitwise & would require an integer operand, so the logical andAND would be the only reasonable choice.

BCPL already used ~ for bitwise negation. So from a point of view of consistency, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

Strangely, the history of C-style programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BPCL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated).

Interestingly, this doubling does not create any ambiguity for the reader: a && b will not be misinterpreted as a(&(&b)). From a parsing point of view, there is no ambiguity either: &b could make sense if b were an lvalue, but it would be a pointer whereas the bitwise & would require an integer operand, so the logical and would be the only reasonable choice.

BCPL already used ~ for bitwise negation. So from a point of view of consistency, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

Strangely, the history of C-style programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BCPL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated).

Interestingly, this doubling does not create any ambiguity for the reader: a && b will not be misinterpreted as a(&(&b)). From a parsing point of view, there is no ambiguity either: &b could make sense if b were an lvalue, but it would be a pointer whereas the bitwise & would require an integer operand, so the logical AND would be the only reasonable choice.

BCPL already used ~ for bitwise negation. So from a point of view of consistency, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

Strangely, the history of C-style programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BPCL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated).

Interestingly, this doubling does not create any ambiguity for the reader: a && b will not be misinterpreted as a(&(&b)). From thea parsing point of view, there is no ambiguity either: &b could make sense if b would bewere an lvalue;lvalue, but it would be a pointer whereas the bitwise & would require an integer operand;operand, so the logical and would be the only reasonable choice.

BCPL already used ~ for thebitwise negation. So from a point of view of consistenceconsistency, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

Strangely, the history of C-style programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BPCL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated.

Interestingly, this doubling does not create any ambiguity for the reader: a && b will not be misinterpreted as a(&(&b)). From the parsing point of view, there is no ambiguity either: &b could make sense if b would be an lvalue; but it would be a pointer whereas the bitwise & would require integer operand; so the logical and would be the only reasonable choice.

BCPL already used ~ for the negation. So from a point of view of consistence, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

Strangely, the history of C-style programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BPCL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated).

Interestingly, this doubling does not create any ambiguity for the reader: a && b will not be misinterpreted as a(&(&b)). From a parsing point of view, there is no ambiguity either: &b could make sense if b were an lvalue, but it would be a pointer whereas the bitwise & would require an integer operand, so the logical and would be the only reasonable choice.

BCPL already used ~ for bitwise negation. So from a point of view of consistency, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

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Strangely, the history of C like-style programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BPCL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated.

Interestingly, this doubling isdoes not ambiguous from a parsing perspectivecreate any ambiguity for the reader: a && b cannotwill not be misinterpreted inas a(&(&b)) since it. From the parsing point of view, there is no ambiguity either: &b could make sense if b would be an lvalue; but it would be a binary operatorpointer whereas the bitwise & would require integer operand; so the logical and would be the only reasonable choice.

BCPL already used ~ for the negation. So from a point of view of consistence, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could then also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

Strangely, the history of C like programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BPCL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated.

Interestingly, this doubling is not ambiguous from a parsing perspective: a && b cannot be misinterpreted in a(&(&b)) since it is a binary operator.

BCPL already used ~ for the negation. So from a point of view of consistence, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could then also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

Strangely, the history of C-style programming language doesn’t start with C.

Dennis Ritchie explains well the challenges of C’s birth in this article.

When reading it, it becomes obvious that C inherited a part of its language design from its predecessor BPCL, and especially the operators. The section “Neonatal C” of the aforementioned article explains how BCPL’s & and | were enriched with two new operators && and ||. The reasons were:

  • different priority was required due to its use in combination with ==
  • different evaluation logic: left-to-right evaluation with short-circuit (i.e when a is false in a&&b, b is not evaluated.

Interestingly, this doubling does not create any ambiguity for the reader: a && b will not be misinterpreted as a(&(&b)). From the parsing point of view, there is no ambiguity either: &b could make sense if b would be an lvalue; but it would be a pointer whereas the bitwise & would require integer operand; so the logical and would be the only reasonable choice.

BCPL already used ~ for the negation. So from a point of view of consistence, it could have been doubled to give a ~~ to give it its logical meaning. Unfortunately this would have been extremely ambiguous since ~ is a unary operator: ~~b could also mean ~(~b)). This is why another symbol had to be chosen for the missing negation.

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