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It's kind-of ironic that your question is about how to handle the license of a library that generates About pages for apps, because the most common practice for what to do with such licenses is to display them on the About page.

The MIT license requires you to include the copyright notice in your project (although it's usually only understood to require it to be included in the source code, i.e. by not removing it from its location in the original code, but the text is ambiguous so I'd err on the side of caution and include the copyright message on your About page).

The Android Support Library is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The requirement here is that you must include a copy of the license in your distribution, and in your About page is probably the easiest place to do so.

It's kind-of ironic that your question is about how to handle the license of a library that generates About pages for apps, because the most common practice for what to do with such licenses is to display them on the About page.

It's kind-of ironic that your question is about how to handle the license of a library that generates About pages for apps, because the most common practice for what to do with such licenses is to display them on the About page.

The MIT license requires you to include the copyright notice in your project (although it's usually only understood to require it to be included in the source code, i.e. by not removing it from its location in the original code, but the text is ambiguous so I'd err on the side of caution and include the copyright message on your About page).

The Android Support Library is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. The requirement here is that you must include a copy of the license in your distribution, and in your About page is probably the easiest place to do so.

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It's kind-of ironic that your question is about how to handle the license of a library that generates About pages for apps, because the most common practice for what to do with such licenses is to display them on the About page.