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You can test private methods easily if you put your unit tests in an inner class on the class you are testing. Using TestNG your unit tests must be public static inner classes annotated with @Test, like this:

public static class UserEditorTest {
    public void test_private_method() {
       assertEquals(new UserEditor().somePrivateMethod(), "success");

Since it's an inner class, the private method can be called.

My tests are run from maven and it automatically finds these test cases. If you just want to test one class you can do

$ mvn test -Dtest=*UserEditorTest


You can test private methods easily if you put your unit tests in an inner class on the class you are testing. Using TestNG your unit tests must be public static inner classes annotated with @Test, like this:

public static class UserEditorTest {
    public void test_private_method() {
       assertEquals(new UserEditor().somePrivateMethod(), "success");

Since it's an inner class, the private method can be called.

My tests are run from maven and it automatically finds these test cases. If you just want to test one class you can do

$ mvn test -Dtest=*UserEditorTest


You can test private methods easily if you put your unit tests in an inner class on the class you are testing. Using TestNG your unit tests must be public static inner classes annotated with @Test, like this:

public static class UserEditorTest {
    public void test_private_method() {
       assertEquals(new UserEditor().somePrivateMethod(), "success");

Since it's an inner class, the private method can be called.

My tests are run from maven and it automatically finds these test cases. If you just want to test one class you can do

$ mvn test -Dtest=*UserEditorTest


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You can test private methods easily if you put your unit tests in an inner class on the class you are testing. Using TestNG your unit tests must be public static inner classes annotated with @Test, like this:

public static class UserEditorTest {
    public void test_private_method() {
       assertEquals(new UserEditor().somePrivateMethod(), "success");
} Since it's an inner class, the private method can be called.

My tests are run from maven and it automatically finds these test cases. If you just want to test one class you can do

$ mvn test -Dtest=*UserEditorTest


You can test private methods easily if you put your unit tests in an inner class on the class you are testing:

You can test private methods easily if you put your unit tests in an inner class on the class you are testing. Using TestNG your unit tests must be public static inner classes annotated with @Test, like this:

public static class UserEditorTest {
    public void test_private_method() {
       assertEquals(new UserEditor().somePrivateMethod(), "success");

Since it's an inner class, the private method can be called.

My tests are run from maven and it automatically finds these test cases. If you just want to test one class you can do

$ mvn test -Dtest=*UserEditorTest


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You can test private methods easily if you put your unit tests in an inner class on the class you are testing: