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Documentation should document the Why not the How. The How should be self-evident in the code, that is unless it is some arcane optimization trick or other language specific technique that is not common knowledgecommonly occuring.

The Why probably should not be in code, it should be somewhere else like a product backlog, that is tied to commit comments with story ids that can be searched for in a change log or branch name.

Documentation should document the Why not the How. The How should be self-evident in the code, that is unless it is some arcane optimization trick or other language specific technique that is not common knowledge.

The Why probably should not be in code, it should be somewhere else like a product backlog, that is tied to commit comments with story ids that can be searched for in a change log or branch name.

Documentation should document the Why not the How. The How should be self-evident in the code, that is unless it is some arcane optimization trick or other language specific technique that is not commonly occuring.

The Why probably should not be in code, it should be somewhere else like a product backlog, that is tied to commit comments with story ids that can be searched for in a change log or branch name.

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Documentation should document the Why not the How. The How should be self-evident in the code, that is unless it is some arcane optimization trick or other language specific technique that is not common knowledge.

The Why probably should not be in code, it should be somewhere else like a product backlog, that is tied to commit comments with story ids that can be searched for in a change log or branch name.