15 Tips For Writing Clever Google AdWords Text Ads

15 Tips For Writing Clever Google AdWords Text Ads

When it comes to the realm of online advertising, Google AdWords is the undisputed king. Over the course of the last decade, Google’s Pay-Per-Click service has made it simpler than ever for small businesses to expand their digital profiles.

AdWords helps companies to track down likely consumers, enhance their marketing reach and generate scores of invaluable sales leads. That being said, it can be extremely difficult to try and sell your business in just a couple lines of copy. When you’re that limited for space, you’ve got to make every word of your text ads count.

That’s why we’ve rounded up 15 top tips that will ensure you’re able to write the most clever, effective and marketable text ads on AdWords.

Writing Effective Text Ads for Google AdWords

1. Look at Your Competitors

It doesn’t matter whether you’re just getting started on AdWords for the first time or you’ve been using it for a decade – you should always be keeping an eye on the competition. On the one hand, that’s because you don’t always need to reinvent the wheel. Take a look at how your competitors are using AdWords, what their ads say and whether that copy seems to be effective. But on the flip side, be sure to look at what your competitors could be doing wrong so that you can avoid their mistakes.

2. Highlight What Makes You Different

Even if you’re operating in a relatively homogeneous industry, there are going to be loads of small, key differences that help your business to stand out from the competition. Your AdWords promotions are the perfect place to highlight some of those differences. They could be unique menu items, professional accreditations or a dizzying selection of products. If something makes you special, let your customers know about it.

3. Include Exclusive Deals

One of the easiest ways to draw attention to your AdWords entry will be to include a special deal that customers won’t be able to find anywhere else. If you haven’t got any key discounted products or services, use your ad copy to include a special discount code that customers can enter or quote during the checkout process. Handing out a ten percent discount as a loss leader could help you to dramatically bolster online sales.

4. Tell Customers What To Do

Google doesn’t give you a whole lot of words to work with, and so there’s no point beating around the bush. Your copy needs to be concise, direct and active. If you’re selling something, tell customers what to buy. If you’re offering services, tell them what they want to receive. Use strong verbs in your call to action that will instill customers with a bit of confidence before clicking through to your website.

15 Tips For Writing Clever Google AdWords Text Ads

5. Use Keywords

The beauty of AdWords is that it helps you to target customers based upon their keyword searches. Bearing that in mind, why on earth would you not include those same keywords directly in your ad description? Include up to three keywords or phrases that will be sure to capture the attention of consumers. That being said, don’t waste time over-stuffing an entire ad description with keywords. If your ad doesn’t look natural, nobody will click on it.

6. Create a Bespoke Landing Page

If you’re creating an ad to push one specific product or service, it’s worth having a think about how customers will be exposed to it after clicking through to your site. Your ad copy should fit in with the general tone of your product landing page. Try and carry a key phrase or call to action over onto your website. Likewise, ensure you’ve optimized the landing page itself so that you’re showcasing the best of your website.

7. Don’t Make Silly Mistakes

AdWords might be a relatively affordable PPC avenue, but it still costs money. You don’t want to waste money on an advertisement riddled with typos or inaccuracies. Before submitting copy, double-check your grammar, ensure you’ve filled in every line and fact-checked your ad. When in doubt, always ask for a second opinion from a trusted colleague.

8. Keep It Current

One way to attract would-be consumers is to update your copy to ensure it’s time sensitive. First and foremost, it helps to keep things fresh by highlighting new offers or including trending keywords. If your AdWords numbers seem a bit static, don’t be afraid to update your copy. By keeping things up-to-date, you may end up turning a few more heads.

9. Be Specific

Customers generally like to see some sort of number in order to validate your marketing claims. That’s why your AdWords entry is a great place to brag about how many customers you served last month, how many bottles of wine your restaurant has in the cellar or how many miles your delivery drivers have covered.

15 Tips For Writing Clever Google AdWords Text Ads

10. Get Personal

When drafting AdWords text ads copy, you should always make a point of directing your customers directly. That generally means writing in the second person. Try to avoid talking about “we”, “me” and “us”. Customers want to know about what you’ve got for them. Tell them directly.

11. Go Local

One of the most helpful aspects of AdWords is that the service allows you to limit your campaigns based upon geographical area. It’s also possible to target multiple markets at once — but it always pays to cater your copy to appeal to each individual location. Customers want to see products that cater to their needs. If certain products are more popular or useful to certain regions or towns, push them in your AdWords promotions.

12. Explore Extensions

Google also lets you add extensions to your entry that will help it to stand out from the crowd. Location and sitelinks extensions make your ads look bigger and more dynamic. Users can also better engage with your AdWords promotions.

13. Consider Mobiles

No matter what type of business you run, a vast number of consumers are probably going to see your text ads while searching for something on their smartphone. You should really be catering to those individuals. Ensure the landing page associated with your ad is mobile-friendly. You can also use Google’s phone numbers extension to allow customers to instantly phone your business after spotting your ad.

14. Customize Your URL

Believe it or not, the URL included at the bottom of your AdWords entry is almost as important as the ad itself. You should always include a concise, memorable URL in case users are not able to click through to it immediately upon seeing it. That way, it’s easy for them to find you again later.

15. Never Stop Testing

When in doubt, you should never stop testing different text ads. Explore various copy options, different offers and statistics. Find out what works best by creating several versions of each ad and launching them on a smaller scale simultaneously.

Look at Your CompetitorsMonitor competitors' AdWords strategies and learn from their successes and mistakes.
Highlight What Makes You DifferentEmphasize unique aspects of your business to stand out in a competitive industry.
Include Exclusive DealsOffer special deals or discounts to attract customers and boost online sales.
Tell Customers What To DoUse clear and concise language to direct customers on what action to take.
Use KeywordsIncorporate relevant keywords into your ad description to match user search queries.
Create a Bespoke Landing PageEnsure your landing page aligns with your ad copy and provides a seamless user experience.
Don’t Make Silly MistakesDouble-check ad copy for typos and inaccuracies to avoid wasting advertising budget.
Keep It CurrentUpdate ad copy to include time-sensitive offers and trending keywords for freshness.
Be SpecificInclude specific numbers or data to validate your marketing claims and build trust.
Get PersonalAddress customers directly in the second person to make your message more personal.
Go LocalCustomize ad copy to appeal to specific geographical areas and local preferences.
Explore ExtensionsUtilize extensions like location and sitelinks to enhance your ad's visibility and engagement.
Consider MobilesEnsure your landing page is mobile-friendly and use phone number extensions for mobile users.
Customize Your URLInclude a concise and memorable URL to make it easy for users to revisit your site.
Never Stop TestingContinuously test different ad variations, offers, and statistics to optimize ad performance.

15 Tips For Writing Clever Google AdWords Text Ads

Maximizing the Impact of Ad Extensions

In your quest to create compelling Google AdWords text ads, don’t overlook the power of ad extensions. Ad extensions allow you to provide additional information and enhance the visibility of your ads. Here’s how to make the most of ad extensions:

  • Location Extensions: If you have a physical storefront or multiple locations, enable location extensions. These extensions display your address, phone number, and a map marker, making it easy for local customers to find and contact you. It’s especially valuable for mobile users searching for nearby businesses.
  • Sitelink Extensions: Sitelink extensions enable you to showcase specific pages on your website directly within your ad. Use sitelinks to highlight popular products, services, or categories. They provide users with quick navigation options, increasing the chances of them finding what they’re looking for.
  • Callout Extensions: Callout extensions allow you to include short, descriptive phrases in your ads. Use them to emphasize unique selling points, promotions, or key benefits. Callout extensions provide additional context and can make your ad more appealing.
  • Structured Snippet Extensions: These extensions enable you to highlight specific aspects of your products or services. Whether it’s showcasing product categories, brands you carry, or service offerings, structured snippets add depth to your ad and help users understand what you offer.
  • Call Extensions: For businesses that rely on phone inquiries, call extensions are invaluable. They add a clickable phone number to your ad, allowing users to call your business directly from the search results. Ensure your ad is mobile-friendly to accommodate users on smartphones.
  • Message Extensions: Message extensions enable users to send you a text message directly from your ad. This feature is ideal for businesses that prefer text-based communication or want to engage users in a conversation.
  • Price Extensions: Price extensions allow you to showcase your products or services along with their prices. It’s an excellent way to attract cost-conscious shoppers and provide transparency about your offerings.
  • Promotion Extensions: Highlight ongoing promotions, discounts, or special offers using promotion extensions. Users are more likely to click on ads that promise savings or exclusive deals.
  • App Extensions: If you have a mobile app, use app extensions to encourage app downloads directly from your ad. It’s a convenient way to promote your app to a broader audience.
  • Review Extensions: While not available in all countries, review extensions can add credibility to your ad by including snippets of third-party reviews. Positive reviews can influence users’ decisions and build trust.
  • Lead Form Extensions: These extensions simplify lead generation by allowing users to submit their contact information without leaving the search results page. Ideal for businesses offering whitepapers, demos, or consultations.
  • Automatic Extensions: Google may automatically generate some extensions based on your website content. Review and customize these extensions to ensure they align with your ad’s goals.
Ad ExtensionsDescription
Location ExtensionsDisplay your address, phone number, and map marker for local customers, especially valuable for mobile users.
Sitelink ExtensionsShowcase specific pages on your website, providing quick navigation options for users.
Callout ExtensionsInclude short, descriptive phrases to emphasize unique selling points or key benefits.
Structured Snippet ExtensionsHighlight specific aspects of your products or services, adding depth to your ad.
Call ExtensionsAdd a clickable phone number for direct calls from the search results, ideal for phone inquiries.
Message ExtensionsEnable users to send text messages directly from your ad for text-based communication.
Price ExtensionsShowcase products or services along with their prices, attracting cost-conscious shoppers.
Promotion ExtensionsHighlight ongoing promotions, discounts, or special offers to attract users looking for savings.
App ExtensionsEncourage app downloads directly from your ad if you have a mobile app.
Review ExtensionsInclude snippets of third-party reviews (where available) to add credibility and build trust.
Lead Form ExtensionsSimplify lead generation by allowing users to submit contact information without leaving search results.
Automatic ExtensionsAutomatically generated by Google based on your website content, review and customize to align with ad goals.

15 Tips For Writing Clever Google AdWords Text Ads

The Importance of Ad Position and Quality Score

In the world of Google AdWords, your ad’s position and Quality Score play crucial roles in the success of your campaigns. Understanding how these factors work can help you craft more effective text ads. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Ad Position: Ad position refers to where your ad appears on the search results page. Google uses an auction system, considering factors like bid amount, ad quality, and expected click-through rate (CTR) to determine ad positions. While aiming for the top spot can be tempting, it’s not always the best strategy.
    • Balancing Act: Higher ad positions often require higher bids, which can impact your campaign’s overall cost. Strive to strike a balance between position and cost-effectiveness. Sometimes, lower positions with lower bids can still yield profitable results.
    • Ad Relevance: Google rewards relevant ads. If your ad is closely aligned with the user’s search intent and the keywords you’re targeting, it’s more likely to achieve a higher position. Focus on creating ad copy that matches user queries.
  • Quality Score: Quality Score is a measure of your ad’s relevance and quality. It’s based on factors like expected CTR, ad relevance, and landing page experience. A higher Quality Score can lead to better ad positions and lower costs.
    • Relevance is Key: To improve your Quality Score, prioritize relevance. Ensure that your keywords, ad copy, and landing page align seamlessly. When users find what they’re looking for quickly, it benefits both you and them.
    • CTR Optimization: Work on improving your ad’s expected CTR. Crafting compelling ad copy, testing different variations, and using relevant keywords can boost your CTR. Google rewards ads that attract clicks.
    • Landing Page Experience: A positive landing page experience matters. Make sure your landing page provides value, loads quickly, and is mobile-friendly. A seamless transition from ad to landing page can improve Quality Score.
    • Monitor and Refine: Quality Score isn’t static; it can change based on performance. Regularly monitor your ad campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and refine your ads to maintain a high Quality Score.
  • A/B Testing: To optimize your text ads further, consider A/B testing. Create multiple versions of your ad with slight variations in copy, headlines, or calls to action. Run these ads simultaneously and track their performance. A/B testing helps you identify what resonates best with your audience and fine-tune your ads accordingly.
  • Competitor Analysis: Keep an eye on your competitors’ ads. Analyze their messaging, offers, and strategies. While you don’t want to copy them directly, understanding what works for others in your industry can inspire your ad creation and help you identify gaps to exploit.
  • Ad Schedule: Utilize ad scheduling to display your ads at times when your target audience is most active and likely to convert. Adjust bids based on the time of day or day of the week to maximize your return on investment.
  • Negative Keywords: Don’t forget the importance of negative keywords. These are terms for which you don’t want your ads to appear. Carefully select negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic and reduce wasted ad spend.

AdWords Photo via Shutterstock

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Nash Riggins Nash Riggins is a Staff Writer for Small Business Trends and an American journalist based in central Scotland. Nash covers industry studies, emerging trends and general business developments. His writing background includes The Huffington Post, World Finance and GuruFocus. His website is NashRiggins.com.