How to Start a Travel Agency

how to start a travel agency

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If you love to travel, are highly organized and enjoy working directly with people, becoming a travel agent is an awesome career choice.

You’d think with the ease of using search engines on the internet; the travel business wouldn’t be thriving. But it is.

According to statistics, a person may spend (waste) 20 hours on internet research before booking a flight. The internet is clogged with info, which is why the benefits of using a travel agent will always be valuable to most travelers.

What is a Travel Agency Business?

A travel agency is a company that provides travel and tourism booking services and planning for people. This can include making arrangements for things such as air travel, vehicle rental, hotels/lodging and travel insurance. Before you get started, find out how do travel agents make money and see if you can find out new ways to generate income.

Travel agencies can offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Booking flights and hotels: Travel agencies can help you find the best deals on flights and hotels. They can also book your transportation and accommodation and even help you with things like visa applications and currency exchange.
  • Planning itineraries: Travel agencies can help you plan your itinerary, taking into account your interests and budget. They can also recommend popular tourist destinations and activities.
  • Offering travel insurance: Travel agencies can help you purchase travel insurance, which can protect you in case of flight cancellations, lost luggage, or medical emergencies.
  • Providing customer service: Travel agencies provide customer service to help you with any problems that may arise during your trip.

There are two main types of travel agencies:

  • Retail travel agencies: These agencies sell travel packages to the general public. They typically have a physical location, such as a storefront or a call center.
  • Wholesale travel agencies: These agencies sell travel packages to other businesses, such as airlines, hotels, and tour operators. They typically do not have a physical location and operate online or through a call center.

Starting a travel agency business can be a great way to turn your passion for travel into a successful business.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Travel Agency?

The cost of starting a travel agency can vary depending on a number of factors, including the size of the agency, the location, and the type of services offered. However, in general, you can expect to spend anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars to get started.

Here are some of the expenses you’ll need to consider when starting a travel agency:

  • Business license and permits: You’ll need to obtain a business license and any necessary permits from your local government. The cost of these fees will vary depending on your location.
  • Travel agency software: You’ll need to purchase or lease travel agency software to manage your bookings and reservations. The cost of this software will vary depending on the features and functionality you need.
  • Marketing and advertising: You’ll need to invest in marketing and advertising to reach potential customers. The cost of this will vary depending on the channels you use and the reach you want to achieve.
  • Office space: If you plan to have a physical office, you’ll need to rent or lease space. The cost of office space will vary depending on the location and the size of the space you need.
  • Staffing: If you plan to hire employees, you’ll need to factor in the cost of salaries, benefits, and training.

In addition to these expenses, you’ll also need to factor in the cost of travel, meals, and other expenses associated with booking travel for your clients.

The good news is that there are a number of ways to reduce the cost of starting a travel agency. For example, you can use free or low-cost marketing channels like social media and email marketing. You can also start your agency as a home-based business, which can save you on the cost of office space.

How Much Can You Make Owning a Travel Agency?

The average salary for someone working for an established agency is $19 per hour. The average annual earnings for independent travel agents is $36,000. That varies depending on your geographical location and the type of travel business you’ve chosen as a specialty.

18 Important Steps to Start Your Own Travel Business

Here are key steps to take to get your start in the travel industry. You should decide early whether you want to work for a travel company or work on starting a travel agency.

1. Complete Relevant Training

Colleges and business schools offer associate and four-year degrees in tourism. There are some independent educators, such as The Travel Institute, which offer certifications.

All these studies will include courses in business management, marketing, accounting and customer service. As part of ongoing education, you should also keep tabs on international affairs and weather events.

2. Look at the Competition

Agencies in the travel industry typically offer all types of services but specialize in a certain niche. For example, some travel agencies focus on luxury travel, and some focus on the adventure travel industry.

Savvy travel agents know their competition well, especially before starting their own business.

3. Choose Between Host Agency, Independent Travel Agent, and Franchise

Under the umbrella of a host agency, you can work as an hourly or salaried employee. In addition to your regular pay, you may be eligible to earn commissions.

If you’re starting a travel agency, you’ll be working independently. Your source of pay will be the fees you charge clients plus commissions you earn from travel suppliers – such as airlines, hotels and rental vehicle companies. Some businesses function solely as online travel agencies, often focusing on arranging corporate travel.

You can also opt to purchase a franchise, such as Dream Vacations. A franchise will provide training programs. Both a host agency and a franchise have the advantage of existing vendor partnerships.

4. Find a Specific Niche and Target Market

Maybe your idea of a dream vacation is renting bicycles and traveling to an Inn in New England. Or you might prefer canoeing wilderness rivers, and staying in tents. Maybe you’d like to book an all-inclusive trip, where the price includes airfare, lodging, food and beverages.

Your preferences aren’t what’s most important. You need to think about your potential clients and customers. Learn the demographics of your local community area and the average income of potential customers.

5. Choose a Business Name and Register Your Travel Agency

Before you lock in on the name, go to the website for your secretary of state. That’s where businesses are registered. You can check to make sure the name you’d like to use isn’t similar or the same as a travel agency already in existence before you spend money on business cards or a website.

6. Write a Travel Agency Business Plan

Here are some helpful tips for making your business plan. A business plan should include key elements of a business plan for travel companies:

  • New business name and website
  • Business physical location
  • Business Structure
  • Niche in the industry
  • Forming partnerships (cruise lines, hotels, rental companies, etc.), especially once you’ve been a travel professional for over a year
  • Plans for marketing/expansion in the industry

7. Open a Business Bank Account

Opening a business bank account is a fundamental step for any budding travel business. It not only separates your personal finances from your business transactions but also enhances your professionalism.

When selecting a bank, consider factors like fees, transaction limits, online banking features, and customer service quality. Additionally, look for banks offering perks for small businesses, such as waived fees for the first year or low minimum balance requirements.

A dedicated business credit card is also advisable for handling business expenses and potentially earning rewards.

8. Make Sure You Have the Licenses and Permits Required in Your State

General Business License as required by your business location.

Travel Agents License – If required by your state.

Federal employer identification number (EIN) is needed for paying business and payroll taxes, if you have employees. You’ll need the EIN when you file taxes.

Zoning – If you’re working from a home office, you must make sure your residence meets the zoning requirements for home-based travel agents.

9. Create a Travel Agency Website and Choose a Location

You may start your own travel agency with the glitziest, most informative and most gorgeous website imaginable.

But its use will fail if it hasn’t been correctly linked – called search engine optimization. Unless you’re very savvy about this, it will pay you to hire a professional to make sure clients find your new company and social media accounts. That’s a key part of your marketing strategy.

10. Sort Out Your Accounting Software

You’ll need to manage travel contracts, travel bookings, invoices and receipts, vendors and more on the financial end. Here are some of our recommendations:

11. Choose a Business Structure

You’ll need to choose a structure for starting your travel agency. Many travel agencies choose the Limited Liability Company or LLC. The LLC allows you to protect your personal assets, especially if you’re operating in your own home.

Other common structures chosen by many businesses in most states include partnerships and corporations.

12. Get Your Taxes in Order

Understanding and managing your tax obligations is crucial for a travel business. Firstly, obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for tax purposes, especially if you plan to hire employees.

Familiarize yourself with the various taxes you’ll be liable for, including sales tax, payroll tax, and income tax. Use reliable accounting software to keep meticulous records of all financial transactions.

Consider consulting a tax professional or accountant to navigate complex tax regulations, ensure compliance, and identify possible tax deductions specific to travel agencies.

13. Purchase Business Insurance

There are common insurances needed, such as BOP (business operators), professional liability, commercial liability, errors and omissions, and general liability insurance.

If you’re going to sell travel, you need to offer travel insurance. What if travel restrictions suddenly impact a location? What if a natural disaster destroys the plans for a beach wedding destination?

14. Join Travel Associations

Here are a few which will serve as additional resources for you (help you with finding customers):

15. Set Up Your Office and Invest in Equipment

You’ll need typical office equipment such as computers, software, internet, phone system and fax. If you’re offering travel services face-to-face, you’ll need comfortable furniture, a conference room, and ample parking.

16. Marketing

Effective marketing is key to the success of a travel business. Begin by identifying your unique selling proposition and target audience. Develop a marketing strategy that includes a mix of online and offline tactics.

Utilize social media platforms to engage with potential clients and showcase your offerings. Create informative and appealing content, such as travel guides, tips, and destination highlights.

Consider email marketing to keep your audience updated with the latest deals and offers. Attend travel expos and network events to build relationships and partnerships. Always track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts to refine your strategy.

17. Find Partners

Partners can include elements of a destination – a motel, B&B, restaurants, or spas, for example.

A partner can also be a media company, such as a newspaper, radio, or television station. You buy advertising with them and negotiate a reduced-price trip for an owner or manager.

18. Build Trust with Your Customers

Building trust with your customers is essential for the longevity and reputation of your travel business. Maintain transparency in your dealings, clearly communicate travel plans, and be upfront about costs and potential issues.

Provide exceptional customer service by being accessible, responsive, and empathetic to client needs and concerns. Encourage feedback and reviews from customers to improve your services. Develop a system to handle emergencies or unexpected travel issues efficiently.

Consistently delivering on your promises and providing memorable travel experiences will foster customer loyalty and lead to repeat business and referrals.

How to Compete with Big Brands in the Travel Industry

Strategies for Small Travel AgencyDescription
Focus on a niche marketInstead of trying to compete with the big brands on everything, focus on a specific niche market that you can specialize in. This could be a specific type of travel, such as ecotourism or adventure travel, or it could be a specific group of travelers, such as families or business travelers.
Offer unique experiencesBig brands often offer the same generic travel packages. To stand out from the crowd, you need to offer unique experiences that your customers can't find anywhere else. This could be anything from a private tour of a hidden gem to a customized itinerary that's tailored to your customer's specific interests.
Provide excellent customer serviceThis is one area where small businesses often have an advantage over big brands. Big brands can be impersonal and bureaucratic, while small businesses can provide more personalized and attentive service. Make sure your customers feel like they're valued and that you're going above and beyond to make their travel experience as smooth as possible.
Use technology to your advantageTechnology can be a great way to compete with big brands. You can use social media to connect with potential customers, use online booking tools to make booking their travel easy, and use analytics to track your performance and make improvements.
Be creative with your marketingBig brands often have big budgets for marketing, but that doesn't mean you can't compete. Be creative with your marketing and find ways to reach your target audience without breaking the bank. This could include using social media, running contests, or creating original content.
Build relationships with travel suppliersThis will give you access to better deals and will help you to provide your customers with a more personalized travel experience.
Stay up-to-date on the latest travel trendsThis will help you to offer your customers the most in-demand travel experiences.
Be flexible and adaptableThe travel industry is constantly changing, so you need to be able to adapt your business accordingly.
Never give upThe travel industry is a tough one, but if you're passionate about travel and you're willing to work hard, you can succeed.

The travel industry is competitive, and it can be difficult for small businesses to compete with the big brands. However, there are a number of things you can do to give yourself a fighting chance.

Here are some tips on how to compete with big brands in the travel industry:

  • Focus on a niche market. Instead of trying to compete with the big brands on everything, focus on a specific niche market that you can specialize in. This could be a specific type of travel, such as ecotourism or adventure travel, or it could be a specific group of travelers, such as families or business travelers.
  • Offer unique experiences. Big brands often offer the same generic travel packages. To stand out from the crowd, you need to offer unique experiences that your customers can’t find anywhere else. This could be anything from a private tour of a hidden gem to a customized itinerary that’s tailored to your customer’s specific interests.
  • Provide excellent customer service. This is one area where small businesses often have an advantage over big brands. Big brands can be impersonal and bureaucratic, while small businesses can provide more personalized and attentive service. Make sure your customers feel like they’re valued and that you’re going above and beyond to make their travel experience as smooth as possible.
  • Use technology to your advantage. Technology can be a great way to compete with big brands. You can use social media to connect with potential customers, use online booking tools to make booking their travel easy, and use analytics to track your performance and make improvements.
  • Be creative with your marketing. Big brands often have big budgets for marketing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t compete. Be creative with your marketing and find ways to reach your target audience without breaking the bank. This could include using social media, running contests, or creating original content.

Here are some additional tips that you can follow:

  • Build relationships with travel suppliers. This will give you access to better deals and will help you to provide your customers with a more personalized travel experience.
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest travel trends. This will help you to offer your customers the most in-demand travel experiences.
  • Be flexible and adaptable. The travel industry is constantly changing, so you need to be able to adapt your business accordingly.
  • Never give up. The travel industry is a tough one, but if you’re passionate about travel and you’re willing to work hard, you can succeed.

Competition in the travel industry is fierce, but it’s not impossible for small businesses to succeed. By following these tips, you can give yourself a fighting chance to compete with the big brands.


What are the legal requirements for starting a travel agency?

The legal requirements for starting a travel agency vary by country and region but may include obtaining the necessary licenses, permits, and registrations.

How do I choose a niche or specialty for my travel agency?

Consider your interests, expertise, and target market to choose a niche, such as adventure travel, luxury vacations, or corporate travel.

What technology and software do I need to run a travel agency?

You’ll need travel booking software, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, and a user-friendly website to handle reservations and inquiries.

How can I build relationships with travel suppliers and vendors?

Attend travel industry events, join travel agent associations, and establish strong communication with suppliers to build beneficial partnerships.

How do I market and promote my travel agency to attract clients?

Utilize digital marketing strategies, social media, content creation, and collaborate with influencers to increase your agency’s visibility.

What financial considerations should I keep in mind when starting a travel agency?

Plan for initial startup costs, ongoing expenses, and potential fluctuations in the travel industry. Budget for marketing, staff, and technology investments.

How can I provide exceptional customer service and stand out from competitors?

Focus on personalized travel planning, attentive communication, and 24/7 customer support to create a memorable experience for clients.

Image: Depositphotos, Envato Elements

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    Lisa Price Lisa Price is a staff writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 4 years. She has a B.A. in English with a minor in journalism from Shippensburg State College (Pennsylvania). She is also a freelance writer and previously worked as a newspaper circulation district manager and radio station commercial writer. In 2019, Lisa received the (Pennsylvania) Keystone Award.