25 Ideas to Boost Your Business Curb Appeal

25 Small Business Curb Appeal Ideas

Why is curb appeal important for your store? An enormous 95% of customers say that the external appearance of a store is one of the main influences on their decision on where to shop.

Small Business Curb Appeal Ideas

But how exactly do you improve the appearance of your store, to make it welcoming and appealing to as many customers as possible? Follow these tips:

Put Some Greenery Out Front

A couple of hanging flower baskets or planters at either side of the door adds a splash of color and greenery to the entrance and makes the store look cared-for.

Get a Welcome Mat

A tiny, affordable change that makes every customer feel super welcome.


If you’re revamping your storefront, why not refresh your branding at the same time? This is the ideal way to signal a new start for your business.

Refresh your Signage

Peeling paint and faded colors say to customers ‘no one cares about this store, so why should you?’. Invest in a new sign and change that impression.

Add a Splash of Paint

Just like replacing your store sign, repainting walls and window frames gives your store a new lease of life. It makes it look brand new, cared about and fresh, which customers will love.

Sweep the Sidewalk Out Front Every Day

This simple task, which should be part of every store owners’ daily routine, is so often forgotten about. It takes just a moment, but instantly makes your store more appealing.

Inject Some Color

What better way to make your store stand out from the others from the street? Make your storefront vibrant, colorful and memorable.

Change your Window Display Regularly

This can keep regular passers-by interested in your store, eager to see what the display will be next. You might find it fun too!

Make it Clearer What your Business Does

Any passer-by should be able to tell immediately what it is that your business does or sells. If your signage or display doesn’t communicate this, you may need to go back to the drawing board.


Clutter looks untidy and can be confusing for the customer. Have a clear out and take out or down anything that detracts from the appeal and message of your store front.

Clean the Windows

Every store owner should have a regular cleaning schedule for their windows. Clean, sparkly windows make an enormous difference to the appeal of your store, while dirty, uncared-for panes are extremely off-putting.

Help your Neighbors to Tidy Up

You can only control how your storefront looks, right? Actually, you can help to improve the general area around your store by offering your neighbors (who may not be as tidy) to clean up.

Make Sure Parking is Well Lit and Signposted

This is a practical step that customers will really appreciate, as it makes finding your store and the parking lot easier.

Display your Most Appealing Goods

Your window display is no place for mediocre items and tatty goods from last year’s stock. It should be reserved for your most prized and appealing items, to lure customers in from the street.

Advertise Sales and Special Offers

Your main goal is to get customers through the door, and what better way to do it than with a big ‘sale – 50% off’ sign? No one can resist a bargain.

Consider Installing New Shop Furniture

Would an attractive new awning or sunshade give your store more curb appeal, or how about a brand-new door? It could be well worth the money for these larger projects if it means a better welcome for customers.

Don’t Forget about Maintenance

The smaller things like gutters and door handles are important, so make sure you pay attention to their maintenance.

Put your Trash Cans Out of Sight

While a trash can could help to keep the store front cleaner, it’s not the first thing you want customers to see when they approach your store. Tuck them away out of view, or at the back of the store, instead.

Use Seasonal Décor Carefully

It can be great fun during the holidays, but don’t forget to take it down on time.

Make your Store Cycle-friendly

Would your customers appreciate somewhere safe to store their bicycles? If so, install a bike rack out front or in the parking lot.

Be Dog-friendly Too

Even if you don’t permit dogs in the store, a bowl of water and somewhere to tether a dog are great ways to win over dog-loving customers.  

Be Accessible

If feasible, consider how you could make your store more accessible for disabled visitors, such as a ramp to the door.

Consider Landscaping

If you have outdoor space at the front of your store, look into how you can make the most of it with flowers, bushes and even trees.

Maintain Paths and Steps

Your customers need to be able to enter your store safely and easily.

Put Out a Sandwich Board

This helps you to catch the eye of customers further down the street, so they can see your special offers or branding before they even reach the store.

Photo via Shutterstock

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Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead is a staff writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 7 years. She is based in the United Kingdom and since 2006, Gabrielle has been writing articles, blogs and news pieces for a diverse range of publications and sites. You can read "Gabrielle’s blog here.".