These are the Best Cities for Remote Workers in 2021


According to the Best Cities for Remote Workers 2021 survey, Provo is the number one city for remote workers. The infrastructure, amenities, and affordability make Provo a destination worth looking at. And as more companies offer full-time remote work, people are going to be looking for cities that are cheaper while providing the amenities they need to make their lives comfortable.

Best Cities for Remote Workers in 2021

The data for this index comes from a survey of 5,000 employed adults across the U.S. by from April 9-10, 2021. Overall, the survey has 230 cities on its list. The top cities scored high on satisfaction and prevalence of remote-friendly jobs, house affordability, and access to urban and natural amenities.


image: apartmentlist
Here are the top 10 cities for remote workers.

  1. Provo, UT
  2. Fort Collins, CO
  3. Boise, ID
  4. Raleigh, NC
  5. Tempe, AZ
  6. Austin, TX
  7. Beaverton, OR
  8. Denver, CO
  9. Asheville, NC
  10. Ann Arbor, MI

The top city, Provo, ranked number one, however, it came in at number 9 on remote friendliness, 54 on affordability, 3rd on natural amenities, and 110 on urban amenities with an overall score of 0.603. Fort Collins is next with a score of 0.599 and Boise is third with 0.595.

Key Findings

College towns make up the top two locations in the list and four in the top ten. And the study attributes this to the rich urban amenities, nightlife, entertainment, and quality food scene. And these amenities also attract tech companies that create hubs.

Although the tech hubs offer many opportunities, they eventually become less affordable as more people move in. This includes the rise in rent and property prices. While early movers might have capitalized on the low price, that will no longer be the case if the location becomes popular. The study points out 7 of the top 10 cities on its list all currently have Year on Year (YoY) rent growth that exceeds the national average.

Remote Workers and Mobility

According to this survey, one in four Americans are expecting partial or complete remote work after the pandemic. And for those who have complete remote work options, moving to a new city or even country is a viable alternative. Working remotely full-time makes this workforce more mobile.


image: apartmentlist
The survey says remote workers are more likely to be planning a move over the next several years. As to the factors influencing their potential move, affordable housing and homeownership lead the way for the respondents. Other factors include moving closer to family members and affordable urban locations.
Image: Depositphotos

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Michael Guta Michael Guta is the Assistant Editor at Small Business Trends and has been with the team for 9 years. He currently manages its East African editorial team. Michael brings with him many years of content experience in the digital ecosystem covering a wide range of industries. He holds a B.S. in Information Communication Technology, with an emphasis in Technology Management.