Samson Haileyesus

Samson Haileyesus
Samson Haileyesus is a staff writer for Small Business Trends and has been a member of the team for 5 years. He has several years of progressive experience in media, communication and PR working with government, NGOs and private sector.

YouTube Analytics: A Complete Guide

With video playing a big role in today's digital business ecosystem, understanding YouTube analytics can a go a long way to grow your brand.

app statistics

App Statistics: 60 Essential Insights

Understanding the different types of mobile apps is crucial for users to make informed choices in a saturated app ecosystem. Here are 60 essential insights.

gig economy statistics

53 Essential Gig Economy Statistics

The gig economy statistics in this article will give you great insight into how this workforce segment impacts businesses of all sizes.

website statistics

40 Essential Website Statistics

From traffic trends to design principles, here are 40 essential website statistics that will help you optimize your website to stay on top.

sales commission rates by industry

Sales Commission Rates by Industry

Knowing the sales commission rates by industry will give you invaluable insight as a salesperson so you can maximize your earning potential.