PayPal Payouts

Managing an affiliate program can be time consuming. Even more so when it’s time to pay your affiliates.

This shouldn’t be the case however, especially if you’re already using PayPal for your business.

By the end of reading this page you’ll learn how to set up PayPal Payouts and pay all your affiliates at the same time through PayPal. The best part? The setup only takes 3 steps to accomplish and, once done, you’ll be able to manage affiliate payments right from the comfort of your WordPress admin dashboard.

  1. Installing the PayPal Payouts add-on.
  2. Setting up the connection between SliceWP and PayPal.
  3. Paying your affiliates.

Step 1: Installing the PayPal Payouts add-on

Before installing the add-on, make sure your PayPal account has the Payouts feature enabled. If it doesn’t, please read PayPal’s official requirements here. Without the feature enabled, you will not be able to process affiliate payments through PayPal directly from your WordPress website.

If everything is set up with your PayPal account, let’s install the Payouts add-on. To do it:

  1. Purchase SliceWP’s Professional license. This will unlock all premium add-ons, including PayPal Payouts.
  2. From your SliceWP account page, download the .zip file of the add-on.
  3. Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin and select the .zip file you’ve just downloaded from your account.
  4. Install and activate the add-on.

Now that we have the add-on up and running, let’s connect it to PayPal and start paying affiliates.

Step 2: Setting up the connection between SliceWP and PayPal

To be able to process bulk payments from your WordPress administrative dashboard, we have to connect SliceWP to PayPal. This is done using API keys. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Firstly, log into your PayPal developer dashboard and navigate to My Apps and Credentials page.
  2. If you’re copying your test credentials, make sure your are viewing your Sandbox applications. If you’re copying your live credentials, make sure your are viewing your Live applications.
  3. If you don’t already have REST API apps, sandbox and live, please create them. If you do, click on the one you want to connect to SliceWP to view its details.
  4. Copy the Client ID and Secret strings from your PayPal developer dashboard and paste them into your WordPress admin area > SliceWP > Settings > Integrations (tab) > PayPal Credentials (section).

PayPal Credentials section in SliceWP settings page

With the PayPal credentials all set, you can now process bulk affiliate payments directly from your WordPress dashboard.

Step 3: Paying affiliates with PayPal Payouts

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard > SliceWP > Payouts.
  2. Create a new payout by selecting the start date and the end date of the commission that should be taken into account.
  3. Once the payout is created, under the Payout Progress section, select, from the Select payout method…. drop-down field the PayPal Payouts option. Then click Pay Affiliates.

That’s it! Now, PayPal generated payments for all the affiliates present in the SliceWP payout. With the PayPal Payouts add-on set up, you will start paying affiliates easily, with just a few clicks.

Get started with PayPal Payouts

Use the PayPal Payouts add-on to bulk pay your affiliates from the comfort of your WordPress admin dashboard

Download add-on

This add-on is available with an active Pro & Pro Plus license.

View pricing