Lifetime Commissions

How it works

The lifetime commissions add-on links a customer to an affiliate during the checkout process. Once the two are linked, if the customer purchases again, the affiliate will be rewarded a commission.


Currently, the lifetime commissions add-on works with the following integrations:

  • WooCommerce
  • Easy Digital Downloads
  • SureCart
  • GetPaid

Key Features

  • Enable lifetime commissions site wide for all your affiliates.
  • Enable lifetime commissions only for certain affiliates.
  • Set a custom global commission rate for lifetime commissions, different from your general sales commission rate.
  • Set a custom lifetime commission rate per affiliate, to overwrite the global lifetime commission rate.
  • Set a custom lifetime period to offer lifetime commissions. Once this period ends, lifetime commissions will no longer be rewarded.
  • Disable lifetime commissions per affiliate, if needed.
  • Ability to manually link customers to affiliates from your WordPress admin interface.
  • Ability to manually remove a customer from an affiliate.


General commission settings panel, where you can enable lifetime commissions sitewide, set a custom lifetime commission rate and a duration period for rewarding this type of commissions:

Lifetime commissions panel from the edit affiliate page. Here you can see which customers are linked to this particular affiliate and you can manually link and unlink customers.

The same lifetime commissions panel as above, with the custom lifetime commissions settings per affiliate set to custom. With these options you can overwrite the lifetime commissions general settings.

Get started with Lifetime Commissions

Link customers to affiliates and reward your affiliates for all future purchases made by these linked customers.

Download add-on

This add-on is available with an active Pro & Pro Plus license.

View pricing