Custom Affiliate Fields

To have your affiliate program running the way you want to, you may need to ask your affiliates for certain information.

For example, if you want to pay them through wire transfer, you’d need their bank account details. Or, if you’d like to have statistics on the demographics of your affiliates, you may want to ask them their location and age.

Whichever your need may be, this page will guide you through setting up custom data fields that you can then add to your affiliate registration and affiliate account pages.

Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Installing the Custom Affiliate Fields add-on

To get started, purchase a SliceWP Pro or Pro Plus license. This will unlock the Custom Affiliate Fields add-on, alongside all of our pro add-ons.

Then follow these steps:

  1. From your SliceWP account page, download and install the SliceWP Pro plugin. Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
  2. Once you have SliceWP Pro installed, navigate to your WordPress admin area > SliceWP > Add-ons page and activate the Custom Affiliate Fields add-on.

Now that you have everything set up, let’s create your first custom field.

Step 2: Adding custom fields to the affiliate registration form

With the add-on active, you’ll have a brand new tab in SliceWP’s settings tab, named Affiliate Fields. Here, you’ll be welcomed by the affiliate fields that appear by default on your affiliate registration form when using SliceWP without any additional add-ons.

Default affiliate fields in SliceWP settings admin page.

As you can notice, all of these fields are customizable. You can edit, re-order, remove and, the best part, add new fields. If you’re wondering what field types you have at your disposal, here they are:

Available custom affiliate field types

  • Single line text – as the name suggests, it’s a simple text input field, mainly used for short strings. For example, you can use this field to ask for the affiliate’s bank name.
  • Textarea – in essence, a multiline text field. Similar to the previous field, but with room to ask for long form information. You can use this field to ask your affiliates how they promote other products.
  • Select drop-down – a drop-down with options you can configure to your needs. For example, you can use this field to ask your new affiliates how many other brands they’re working with.
  • Checkboxes – this will display several customizable checkboxes to your affiliates, where they’ll be able to check multiple values. You can use this field to replace the textarea field used by default to ask what promotional methods the affiliate will be following.
  • Radio buttons – similar to the drop-down field, this allows you to customize several options, where the affiliate can only chose one. The difference is that in case of the drop-down, only the selected option is shown, while with radio buttons all values are displayed in the form.
  • File upload – you can place a single upload or a multi-file upload field, so your users can send you any needed documents for your affiliate partnership.
  • Heading – this is more a presentational tool, than an actual field. With it you can break your forms into more manageable chunks. For example, to make the fields associated with the bank details more visible, you can add a heading with the value “Bank Account Details”.
  • Country – in essence, this is a drop-down field that comes populated with the names of all countries.
  • State – similar to the country field, this is a drop-down that’s populated with the states corresponding to the selected country.

We’re looking to add even more field types going forward, so if you need anything in particular, just let us know here.

Now that you know what field types you have in your arsenal, let’s add a field and customize it.

Adding a new custom affiliate field

Let’s start with the simplest of fields, but one that has most of the customization options, the single line text field.

Firstly, click on the “Select a new field to add…” drop-down. This will pop up a list with all available field types. Scroll down, to the Standard Fields section and click on the Single Line Text option.

Select new affiliate field drop-down in SliceWP settings page

Then, just click on the Add Field button right next to the drop-down to add the new field to the rest.

Once the field is added, you can find it at the bottom of the page. So, let’s scroll down to it and start customizing it. By clicking the Edit Field link, you’ll open the field’s options panel, where you’ll be able to set custom values for certain field attributes, and thus, customizing the field to your particular needs.

Affiliate field options panel in SliceWP admin settings page

If you’re familiar with any forms WordPress plugin, you’ll feel at home with the field’s options panel. As you’ll notice, most of the settings are similar to what you’d find in forms plugins.

Once you set up the field’s options as you need them, the last thing remaining is to save the settings and check out the affiliate registration form. Here’s how your field should look:

SliceWP affiliate single line text field on front-end

Please note that the field’s aesthetics is influenced by the theme you have active. By default, we try to add as little styling as possible, so that our files are as small as possible. The smaller the file, the better the performance of your website.

Last step: Adding additional fields and finishing your affiliate forms

Now that you know how to add one field, the rest will be easier to set up and you’ll have the affiliate forms exactly as you need them.

Get started with Custom Affiliate Fields

Customize your affiliate registration form the way you want to.

Download add-on

This add-on is available with an active Pro & Pro Plus license.

View pricing