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thelawnet's user avatar
thelawnet's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
117 votes

Was this 'carbon fibre' bicycle rim destroyed by a parrot?

70 votes

Is a woman more likely than a man to be seriously injured in a car crash of similar severity?

58 votes

Did UK hospital tell the police that a patient was not raped because the alleged attacker was transgender?

47 votes

In 1936, did brothers Mark and David Ferrow transition?

46 votes

Are chemicals used to ripen fruit in developing countries harmful to the health of consumers?

41 votes

Can the Bajau people stay underwater for as long as 13 minutes?

35 votes

Is this Indonesian man, Mbah Gotho, 145 years old, as he claims?

33 votes

Did CNN use "lightened" photos of Darrell Brooks?

14 votes

Were evangelicals rallied around abortion in 1978, as a substitute for segregation?

12 votes

Can defrosting vacuum-packed fish in its packaging cause botulism?

10 votes

Is their tax bill the single biggest cost of living for most households in the UK?

8 votes

Did UK police agree to drop sex-offense charges in exchange for an apology?

6 votes

Is Whang Od 106 years old, making her the oldest Vogue cover star?

5 votes

Is 86% of the food fed to livestock unfit for human consumption, and is most of it byproducts of crops grown for human consumption?

4 votes

Does Condensed Milk Contain Milk?

3 votes

Is the word "field" part of the trigger warnings in US universities?

2 votes

Do calorie charts in restaurants affect peoples' choice of foods?

1 vote

Did a Chinese farmer spend 16 years learning law so he could sue a chemical company?

1 vote

Has Biden averaged 550,000 new jobs per month as president?

0 votes

Is it possible to get a reliable match from 'microscopic hair analysis'?

0 votes

Are unvaccinated people 10 times more likely to get COVID-19 than vaccinated people?

-2 votes

Is most truffle oil artificially flavored olive oil?