We can easily find this data for the UK as a whole. 

 - In 2022, trucks (which we take to be Heavy Goods Vehicles [HGVs]) accounted for 17.4 billion of the 323.8 billion vehicle miles traveled, which is 5.4% ([source][1]).  
 - Between 2016 and 2021, collisions with single HGVs accounted for 89 of 654 cyclist fatalities, which is 13.6% ([source][2]).
- Between 2016 and 2021, collisions with single HGVs accounted for 277 of 2551 pedestrian fatalities, which is 10.9% ([source][3]).

This is less extreme than the quoted numbers for London, but still shows a similar trend where HGVs are relatively over represented in fatal collisions with bikes and pedestrians.This gives any idea of how "universal" this pattern is. 

  [1]: https://roadtraffic.dft.gov.uk/summary
  [2]: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/reported-road-casualties-great-britain-pedal-cyclist-factsheet-2021/reported-road-casualties-in-great-britain-pedal-cycle-factsheet-2021#which-other-vehicles-are-involved-in-collisions-with-pedal-cyclists
  [3]: https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/reported-road-casualties-great-britain-pedestrian-factsheet-2021/reported-road-casualties-great-britain-pedestrian-factsheet-2021#which-vehicles-are-involved-in-collisions-with-pedestrians