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Pro-Israel Support for the Iraq war

Did pro-Israel Americans convince the U.S. to initiate the Iraq War?

The Bush administration was generally "pro-Israel", and did initiate a war with Iraq. It also tried to convince people to support a war with Iraq.

It is unclear whether The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbied for the war or not. Wikipedia has an overview over the different positions (I included the sources):

Whether AIPAC lobbied for the war in Iraq is disputed. Congressman Jim Moran has stated that AIPAC had been "pushing the [Iraq War] from the beginning".33 A report in the The New Yorker also reported that AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the war.34 However, according to the Jewish News, AIPAC never supported or lobbied for the war in Iraq.35 According to a columnist in the Washington Post, "Once it was clear that the Bush administration was determined to go to war [in Iraq], AIPAC cheered from the sidelines ...23 source

John Kerry - who himself voted for the war - said that Benjamin Netanyahu "was profoundly forward-leaning and outspoken about the importance of invading Iraq".

Jewish Support for the Iraq war

The real claim seems to be that a small group of Jews secretly tried to drive the US into an unwanted war for their own benefits. From your linked article:

[T]here's little doubt most of [a group of 25 people without whom the Iraq war would not have happened] are Jewish [...] and that in total they make up a kind of fifth-column of Jewish Zionist 'Neocons' then and now at the highest levels of government power in Washington.

It's difficult to prove or disprove this claim, as the members of the group are unnamed. It's a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are secretly behind the wars of the world for their own personal gain. People who hold such theories do not generally provide proof, and it is difficult to disprove these theories to their satisfaction.

To get an idea though, we can consider that of the 6 key US players in the Iraq war listed by the International Business Times - George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Tommy Franks, and Paul Bremer - only Wolfowitz is Jewish. Of the 29 people listed as associated with the iraq war on wikipedia, only 4 - Libby, Perle, Wolfowitz, and Lewis - are Jewish.

From what I've researched there's no mention of this story anywhere but Middle

A variety of groups do mention this story, among them the antisemitic Institute for historical review, the anti-zionist Mondoweiss, or the radical left-wing and anti-zionist CounterPunch.

Reasons for the Iraq war

A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq.

It's a rather broad topic, but it is not current state of historical research that Israel was a major considerations for the Iraq war. Reasons for the Iraq war that are often given are WMDs, spreading democracy, links to terrorism, oil, or strategic interests.

Pro-Israel Support for the Iraq war

Did pro-Israel Americans convince the U.S. to initiate the Iraq War?

The Bush administration was generally "pro-Israel", and did initiate a war with Iraq. It also tried to convince people to support a war with Iraq.

It is unclear whether The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbied for the war or not. Wikipedia has an overview over the different positions (I included the sources):

Whether AIPAC lobbied for the war in Iraq is disputed. Congressman Jim Moran has stated that AIPAC had been "pushing the [Iraq War] from the beginning".33 A report in the The New Yorker also reported that AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the war.34 However, according to the Jewish News, AIPAC never supported or lobbied for the war in Iraq.35 According to a columnist in the Washington Post, "Once it was clear that the Bush administration was determined to go to war [in Iraq], AIPAC cheered from the sidelines ...23 source

John Kerry - who himself voted for the war - said that Benjamin Netanyahu "was profoundly forward-leaning and outspoken about the importance of invading Iraq".

Jewish Support for the Iraq war

The real claim seems to be that a small group of Jews secretly tried to drive the US into an unwanted war for their own benefits. From your linked article:

[T]here's little doubt most of [a group of 25 people without whom the Iraq war would not have happened] are Jewish [...] and that in total they make up a kind of fifth-column of Jewish Zionist 'Neocons' then and now at the highest levels of government power in Washington.

It's difficult to prove or disprove this claim, as the members of the group are unnamed. It's a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are secretly behind the wars of the world for their own personal gain. People who hold such theories do not generally provide proof, and it is difficult to disprove these theories to their satisfaction.

From what I've researched there's no mention of this story anywhere but Middle

A variety of groups do mention this story, among them the antisemitic Institute for historical review, the anti-zionist Mondoweiss, or the radical left-wing and anti-zionist CounterPunch.

Reasons for the Iraq war

A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq.

It's a rather broad topic, but it is not current state of historical research that Israel was a major considerations for the Iraq war. Reasons for the Iraq war that are often given are WMDs, spreading democracy, links to terrorism, oil, or strategic interests.

Pro-Israel Support for the Iraq war

Did pro-Israel Americans convince the U.S. to initiate the Iraq War?

The Bush administration was generally "pro-Israel", and did initiate a war with Iraq. It also tried to convince people to support a war with Iraq.

It is unclear whether The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbied for the war or not. Wikipedia has an overview over the different positions (I included the sources):

Whether AIPAC lobbied for the war in Iraq is disputed. Congressman Jim Moran has stated that AIPAC had been "pushing the [Iraq War] from the beginning".33 A report in the The New Yorker also reported that AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the war.34 However, according to the Jewish News, AIPAC never supported or lobbied for the war in Iraq.35 According to a columnist in the Washington Post, "Once it was clear that the Bush administration was determined to go to war [in Iraq], AIPAC cheered from the sidelines ...23 source

John Kerry - who himself voted for the war - said that Benjamin Netanyahu "was profoundly forward-leaning and outspoken about the importance of invading Iraq".

Jewish Support for the Iraq war

The real claim seems to be that a small group of Jews secretly tried to drive the US into an unwanted war for their own benefits. From your linked article:

[T]here's little doubt most of [a group of 25 people without whom the Iraq war would not have happened] are Jewish [...] and that in total they make up a kind of fifth-column of Jewish Zionist 'Neocons' then and now at the highest levels of government power in Washington.

It's difficult to prove or disprove this claim, as the members of the group are unnamed. It's a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are secretly behind the wars of the world for their own personal gain. People who hold such theories do not generally provide proof, and it is difficult to disprove these theories to their satisfaction.

To get an idea though, we can consider that of the 6 key US players in the Iraq war listed by the International Business Times - George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Tommy Franks, and Paul Bremer - only Wolfowitz is Jewish. Of the 29 people listed as associated with the iraq war on wikipedia, only 4 - Libby, Perle, Wolfowitz, and Lewis - are Jewish.

From what I've researched there's no mention of this story anywhere but Middle

A variety of groups do mention this story, among them the antisemitic Institute for historical review, the anti-zionist Mondoweiss, or the radical left-wing and anti-zionist CounterPunch.

Reasons for the Iraq war

A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq.

It's a rather broad topic, but it is not current state of historical research that Israel was a major considerations for the Iraq war. Reasons for the Iraq war that are often given are WMDs, spreading democracy, links to terrorism, oil, or strategic interests.

The who?
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Pro-Israel Support for the Iraq war

Did pro-Israel Americans convince the U.S. to initiate the Iraq War?

The Bush administration was generally "pro-Israel", and did initiate a war with Iraq. It also tried to convince people to support a war with Iraq.

It is unclear whether AIPACThe American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbied for the war or not. Wikipedia has an overview over the different positions (I included the sources):

Whether AIPAC lobbied for the war in Iraq is disputed. Congressman Jim Moran has stated that AIPAC had been "pushing the [Iraq War] from the beginning".33 A report in the The New Yorker also reported that AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the war.34 However, according to the Jewish News, AIPAC never supported or lobbied for the war in Iraq.35 According to a columnist in the Washington Post, "Once it was clear that the Bush administration was determined to go to war [in Iraq], AIPAC cheered from the sidelines ...23 source

John Kerry - who himself voted for the war - said that Benjamin Netanyahu "was profoundly forward-leaning and outspoken about the importance of invading Iraq".

Jewish Support for the Iraq war

The real claim seems to be that a small group of Jews secretly tried to drive the US into an unwanted war for their own benefits. From your linked article:

[T]here's little doubt most of [a group of 25 people without whom the Iraq war would not have happened] are Jewish [...] and that in total they make up a kind of fifth-column of Jewish Zionist 'Neocons' then and now at the highest levels of government power in Washington.

It's difficult to prove or disprove this claim, as the members of the group are unnamed. It's a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are secretly behind the wars of the world for their own personal gain. People who hold such theories do not generally provide proof, and it is difficult to disprove these theories to their satisfaction.

From what I've researched there's no mention of this story anywhere but Middle

A variety of groups do mention this story, among them the antisemitic Institute for historical review, the anti-zionist Mondoweiss, or the radical left-wing and anti-zionist CounterPunch.

Reasons for the Iraq war

A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq.

It's a rather broad topic, but it is not current state of historical research that Israel was a major considerations for the Iraq war. Reasons for the Iraq war that are often given are WMDs, spreading democracy, links to terrorism, oil, or strategic interests.

Pro-Israel Support for the Iraq war

Did pro-Israel Americans convince the U.S. to initiate the Iraq War?

The Bush administration was generally "pro-Israel", and did initiate a war with Iraq. It also tried to convince people to support a war with Iraq.

It is unclear whether AIPAC lobbied for the war or not. Wikipedia has an overview over the different positions (I included the sources):

Whether AIPAC lobbied for the war in Iraq is disputed. Congressman Jim Moran has stated that AIPAC had been "pushing the [Iraq War] from the beginning".33 A report in the The New Yorker also reported that AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the war.34 However, according to the Jewish News, AIPAC never supported or lobbied for the war in Iraq.35 According to a columnist in the Washington Post, "Once it was clear that the Bush administration was determined to go to war [in Iraq], AIPAC cheered from the sidelines ...23 source

John Kerry - who himself voted for the war - said that Benjamin Netanyahu "was profoundly forward-leaning and outspoken about the importance of invading Iraq".

Jewish Support for the Iraq war

The real claim seems to be that a small group of Jews secretly tried to drive the US into an unwanted war for their own benefits. From your linked article:

[T]here's little doubt most of [a group of 25 people without whom the Iraq war would not have happened] are Jewish [...] and that in total they make up a kind of fifth-column of Jewish Zionist 'Neocons' then and now at the highest levels of government power in Washington.

It's difficult to prove or disprove this claim, as the members of the group are unnamed. It's a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are secretly behind the wars of the world for their own personal gain. People who hold such theories do not generally provide proof, and it is difficult to disprove these theories to their satisfaction.

From what I've researched there's no mention of this story anywhere but Middle

A variety of groups do mention this story, among them the antisemitic Institute for historical review, the anti-zionist Mondoweiss, or the radical left-wing and anti-zionist CounterPunch.

Reasons for the Iraq war

A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq.

It's a rather broad topic, but it is not current state of historical research that Israel was a major considerations for the Iraq war. Reasons for the Iraq war that are often given are WMDs, spreading democracy, links to terrorism, oil, or strategic interests.

Pro-Israel Support for the Iraq war

Did pro-Israel Americans convince the U.S. to initiate the Iraq War?

The Bush administration was generally "pro-Israel", and did initiate a war with Iraq. It also tried to convince people to support a war with Iraq.

It is unclear whether The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbied for the war or not. Wikipedia has an overview over the different positions (I included the sources):

Whether AIPAC lobbied for the war in Iraq is disputed. Congressman Jim Moran has stated that AIPAC had been "pushing the [Iraq War] from the beginning".33 A report in the The New Yorker also reported that AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the war.34 However, according to the Jewish News, AIPAC never supported or lobbied for the war in Iraq.35 According to a columnist in the Washington Post, "Once it was clear that the Bush administration was determined to go to war [in Iraq], AIPAC cheered from the sidelines ...23 source

John Kerry - who himself voted for the war - said that Benjamin Netanyahu "was profoundly forward-leaning and outspoken about the importance of invading Iraq".

Jewish Support for the Iraq war

The real claim seems to be that a small group of Jews secretly tried to drive the US into an unwanted war for their own benefits. From your linked article:

[T]here's little doubt most of [a group of 25 people without whom the Iraq war would not have happened] are Jewish [...] and that in total they make up a kind of fifth-column of Jewish Zionist 'Neocons' then and now at the highest levels of government power in Washington.

It's difficult to prove or disprove this claim, as the members of the group are unnamed. It's a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are secretly behind the wars of the world for their own personal gain. People who hold such theories do not generally provide proof, and it is difficult to disprove these theories to their satisfaction.

From what I've researched there's no mention of this story anywhere but Middle

A variety of groups do mention this story, among them the antisemitic Institute for historical review, the anti-zionist Mondoweiss, or the radical left-wing and anti-zionist CounterPunch.

Reasons for the Iraq war

A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq.

It's a rather broad topic, but it is not current state of historical research that Israel was a major considerations for the Iraq war. Reasons for the Iraq war that are often given are WMDs, spreading democracy, links to terrorism, oil, or strategic interests.

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Pro-Israel Support for the Iraq war

Did pro-Israel Americans convince the U.S. to initiate the Iraq War?

The Bush administration was generally "pro-Israel", and did initiate a war with Iraq. It also tried to convince people to support a war with Iraq.

It is unclear whether AIPAC lobbied for the war or not. Wikipedia has an overview over the different positions (I included the sources):

Whether AIPAC lobbied for the war in Iraq is disputed. Congressman Jim Moran has stated that AIPAC had been "pushing the [Iraq War] from the beginning".33 A report in the The New Yorker also reported that AIPAC lobbied Congress in favor of the war.34 However, according to the Jewish News, AIPAC never supported or lobbied for the war in Iraq.35 According to a columnist in the Washington Post, "Once it was clear that the Bush administration was determined to go to war [in Iraq], AIPAC cheered from the sidelines ...23 source

John Kerry - who himself voted for the war - said that Benjamin Netanyahu "was profoundly forward-leaning and outspoken about the importance of invading Iraq".

Jewish Support for the Iraq war

The real claim seems to be that a small group of Jews secretly tried to drive the US into an unwanted war for their own benefits. From your linked article:

[T]here's little doubt most of [a group of 25 people without whom the Iraq war would not have happened] are Jewish [...] and that in total they make up a kind of fifth-column of Jewish Zionist 'Neocons' then and now at the highest levels of government power in Washington.

It's difficult to prove or disprove this claim, as the members of the group are unnamed. It's a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory that Jews are secretly behind the wars of the world for their own personal gain. People who hold such theories do not generally provide proof, and it is difficult to disprove these theories to their satisfaction.

From what I've researched there's no mention of this story anywhere but Middle

A variety of groups do mention this story, among them the antisemitic Institute for historical review, the anti-zionist Mondoweiss, or the radical left-wing and anti-zionist CounterPunch.

Reasons for the Iraq war

A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq.

It's a rather broad topic, but it is not current state of historical research that Israel was a major considerations for the Iraq war. Reasons for the Iraq war that are often given are WMDs, spreading democracy, links to terrorism, oil, or strategic interests.