Source Engine frame drops

Also known as lag spikes, or FPS drops, or frame stuttering, this annoying problem doesn’t happen only in Valve’s Source engine, as I’ve experienced, but also in GoldSrc(yeah, the Half-Life 1 engine). A gif will best explain this phenomenon: You can imagine that if in single player this is super annoying, multiplayer games like CS:GO […]

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You believe you can fly

I believe I can fly… I believe I can touch the sky! And then you hit the ground hard, shattering all hopes of ever doing so. But why does this happen? Well, first of all, because you tried! And you put some effort, so you might be frustrated when the outcome is not in your […]

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Ecological disaster in Hungary

An ecological disaster happened recently in Hungary(near Kolontár), after a dam that was holding big amounts of toxic sludge ruptured. Here’s a panorama showing the ruptured dam, and the flooded area with red toxic sludge. I’m concerned about what could happen with the surrounding areas, because the localities that were hit the hardest are anyway […]

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Computational Knowledge

It’s fun to use StumbleUpon. A lot of times I find interesting sites not from the actually stumble, but within the pages that I find. For example, I stumbled across this site with math comics(Spiked math) and I found it to be interesting(I’m not a math geek, I suck at maths but meh… some of […]

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The best browsing experience is not defined only by the sites you usually visit, but also the tool you use to navigate- the browser. Now I’m going to give you a small tip(and you won’t regret it): Try Firefox. Use Firefox! It’s probably the best web browsing experience you can get. I’m going to prove […]

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