7 segment display and Arduino

I experienced a bit with the persistence of vision effect(POV), using a 7 segment LED display. The one I used is a single digit numeric display, Kingbright SC56-11EWA. Essentially I wanted to see the effect going from slow to fast “live”, so I can better understand it. For this I used a potentiometer to slowly […]

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Arduino&LCD: Hello World!

I finally found a 16×2 LCD screen at a reasonable price. It was 5.5$ from an electronics store that is not specifically targeted towards robotics. I can’t explain myself why stores that are targeting robotics or are even based around the arduino platform sell such a device for 15$ or worse. I mean you can […]

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Changed the flux LED to a 1W LED

In the last post I talked about putting an LED instead of a light bulb on my bicycle rear light. I wasn’t satisfied with the luminosity, I was expecting something somewhat brighter, but I actually think the original incandescent bulb was much brighter. Therefore, I bought a 1W LED, and after some researching, it seems […]

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