
Hi, I am Amrita Roy Chowdhury. I am a CRA/CCC Computing Innovation postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San  Diego and my advisor is Prof. Kamalika Chaudhuri. I completed my PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison under Prof. Somesh Jha. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur where I was awarded the President of India Gold Medal. 

I will be joining the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor as an assistant professor in Fall 2024!!!

CV           Research Statement          

I analyze, design and build systems that enable safe data analytics in a decentralized setting without ever "seeing'' the data.  My research empower individuals with full-stack data privacy solutions that deliver functionally-rich systems that are not only provably private but also tailored to meet application-specific constraints, ensuring their seamless deployment in the real-world. I do this via principled exploration of the synergy between differential privacy and cryptography,  exposing their rich and multi-faceted interconnections in both theory and practice.

Recent News

May 24: FairProof won the best paper award at the Private ML@ICLR'24 workshop.

May 24: Our work FairProof on confidential and certifiable fairness of ML models will be presented at ICML '24.

Dec 23: Our work on prompt sanitization for LLMs will be presented at PPAI '24

Nov 23: I will be giving a talk at the security seminar at UPenn.

Nov 23: I will be giving a talk at the Naval Postgraduate School. 

Oct 23: I will be serving on the program committee for SaTML'24 and  EuroS&P'24.

Oct 23: I will be giving a talk at the EnCORE Institute student social.

Sept 23: Check out our white paper on the security risks of GenAI based on the discussions from our workshop!

Sept 23: I will be a panelist for the Rising Stars in Data Science information session. 

Aug 23:  I will be an Area Chair for WebConf'24.

July 23: I will be giving a talk at the PriSec-ML seminar.

June 23: I helped organize the GenAI Risks Workshop. Stay tuned for some exciting updates!

Old News

June 23: I will be serving on the program committee for TPDP'23.

May 23: I will be giving a talk at the UCSD security seminar.

April 23: I will be giving a talk at Google.

March 23: I will be giving a talk at the FLOW seminar.

Feb 23: I won the award for the best poster at ITA'23.

Feb 23: I will be giving a talk at the Naval Applications of Machine Learning workshop.

Jan 23:  I will be serving on the program committee for FORC '23, CCS '23 and FAccT '23.

Dec 22: I will be giving a talk at Cisco Research.

Nov 22: ShadowNet will be appearing at IEEE S&P 2023. Check out our talk!

Oct 22: I will be giving a talk at Amazon.

Oct 22: I will be giving a talk at Tufts University.

Sept 22: I will be co-organizing the PPML workshop this year co-located with FOCS. See you there!

Aug 22: EIFFeL will be appearing at CCS, 2022. Check this video for a 2-min summary!

Aug 22: I will be giving a talk at UC Berkeley AI4ALL.

July 22: Our work on strengthening order preserving encryption with differential privacy will be appearing at CCS, 2022.

May 22: I will be serving on the program committee for the first ever IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (IEEE SatML, 2023). Submit all your best work! 

Apr 22: I will be serving on the program committee for ICDE, 2023.

March 22: I will be serving on the program committee for IEEE S&P, 2023 and VLDB, 2023.

Jan 22: Our work on the privacy implications of shuffling will be appearing at ICLR, 2022.

Dec 21: I will be serving on the program committee for CCS, 2022.

Nov 21: I have been selected for UChicago Rising Stars in Data Science.

Oct 21: I have been selected for Rising Stars in EECS, MIT.

Oct 21: I will be serving on the program committee for PPAI, 2022

July 21: I have been selected as a CRA/CCC Computing Innovation Fellow, 2021. I will be working with Prof. Kamalika Chaudhuri at UCSD.

May 21: I will be serving on the program committee for USENIX Security, 2022

May 21: I will be serving on the program committee for TPDP. Please submit all your awesome work!

Apr. 21: Honored to be selected as a finalist for the Facebook Fellowship, 2021 (top 3.5% out of over 2000 students worldwide).

Apr. 21: I will be interning at Facebook AI Research, NYC under Laurens Van der Maaten.

Feb. 21: Our work on eTAP, a privacy-enhancing trigger-action-platform, will be appearing at IEEE S&P, 2021.

Oct. 20: Selected for Rising Stars in EECS, UC Berkeley.

Oct. 20: I will be giving a talk to the Cryptography Group at MSR, Redmond.

Sept. 20: Our work on Kalεido, a system for real-time privacy-preserving processing of eye-tracking data, will be appearing at USENIX Security, 2021.


Conference Publications

Other Peer-Reviewed Publications

Journal Paper

Identifying and Mitigating the Security Risks of Generative AI 

Clark Barrett, Brad Boyd, Elie Burzstein, Nicholas Carlini, Brad Chen, Jihye Choi, Amrita Roy Chowdhury, Mihai Christodorescu, Anupam Datta, Soheil Feizi, Kathleen Fisher, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Dan Hendrycks, Somesh Jha, Daniel Kang, Florian Kerschbaum, Eric Mitchell, John Mitchell, Zulfikar Ramzan, Khawaja Shams, Dawn Song, Ankur Taly, Diyi Yang (Alphabetical Order) Foundations and Trends in Privacy and Security, Vol. 6: No. 1, pp 1-52


5 completely unsolicited facts about me -- 


If you would like to know more about my work OR challenge me to a tongue-twister battle, then drop me an email at .