Ten Years Later - Was Elop Right?

A Windows 7 phone.

A decade ago, Stephen Elop made the announcement that Nokia was adopting Windows Phone 7 as its platform of choice. Being the mobile nerd that I was, I live Tweeted the press conference. Right, where can I watch thus #Nokia press conference? Is there a mobile friendly live stream? — Terence Eden is on Mastodon […]

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Thirty Percent

A Windows 7 phone.

A decade ago, I was invited to the UK launch of Windows Phone 7. It was Microsoft's attempt to compete with Apple's iPhone and Google's Android. Sure, Microsoft could make a brilliant OS and had excellent hardware partners - but could they convince developers to use yet another system? At the time, I wrote: The […]

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Windows Phone 7 vs Android

A Windows 7 phone.

Last week, I posted this tongue-in-cheek suggestion. Prediction*: iPhone5 & Samsung Galaxy S 3 to have IDENTICAL hardware. Battle of the OS / ecosystems! *Well, wishful thinking! — Terence Eden is on Mastodon (@edent) April 26, 2012 Wouldn't it be great if there was a proper show-down between the two major players? You could really […]

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Windows Phone 7's QR Scanner

I think that WP7 is one of the first phone operating systems which natively has a QR scanner built in. It's rather hidden - you have to go in to search (not camera) then click the eye icon. However, it is one of the fastest and most accurate scanners I've ever used. It knocks Android […]

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The Perfect Phone

After the disaster that was my experience with the Nokia Lumia and the rather underwhelming time I had with the BlackBerry Torch, I've been thinking a lot about what my perfect phone would be. I think I've found it... My Photoshop skills are legendary! Here are the things that I want - no one platform […]

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Lumia Review

It was the best of phones - it was the worst of phones... I want to start this review by saying three things: I got this phone for free - thanks Nokia! I'm an extremely demanding mobile user. I recognise that I am an edge-case; what I find annoying, you may not. I've tried to […]

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Windows Phone 7: Mango. So what?

I was recently invited to the Windows Phone 7 Mango preview (no, I didn't get a free phone) - here are a few thoughts. The first thing to note is that WP7 still looks gorgeous - the front tiles (aka widgets) are smart and add a real feeling of fluidity to the phone. Juicy The […]

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QR Moo Cards: New Designs

I get a lot of positive comments about my Moo Cards with QR codes. As I prepare to go off to Mobile World Congress, I thought I'd add a couple of extra designs into the mix. Feel free to use these as templates - but please remember to change the QR Code!

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The Best Phone for Blogging?

Photo of a BlackBerry torch. It has a touchscreen and slide out keyboard.

This has been a really tough NaBloPoMo for me. Work has been frantic - meaning that my lunchtime blogging has been restricted to a quick bit of copy editing. I've also had some wonderful new toys to play with - which has distracted my attention. But the biggest problem? My Android phone. Don't get me […]

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Split Personalities of Windows Phone 7

I've just come back from a chat with Paul Foster of Microsoft. We were discussing Windows Phone 7 - its promises and its problems. I remain convinced that Windows Phone 7 (WP7) will be a hit. There are so many delightful touches in the operating system that I won't be surprised if it is ripped […]

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