What's the point of a lecturer?

A young, beardless Terry - wearing graduation robes.

Backstory - I'm doing a taught Masters course. It's going OK. Mostly. But I've been thinking about the nature of university lecturers. This Tweet has been doing the rounds. HI EXCUSE ME, I just found out the the prof for this online course I’m taking *died in 2019* and he’s technically still giving classes since […]

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What Super Bowl Sunday Means To Me

Bottle of Goldschlager. A transparent liquid with floating flakes of gold in it.

This could be the most important email I ever sent... Subject: Come One! Come All! Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:27:51 -0000 Yes, this Sunday our charming colonial cousins will be playing the American Football Superbowl!!!!!!! If you're anything like me you can contain your excitement at the thought of watching a bunch of Yanks […]

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Disappearing Computer (2002)

The old logo of the University of East Anglia.

In 2002, I wrote this dissertation as part of my B.Sc. at UEA. I've kept this edition as close to the original as possible. I've added in links (where they still survive) and inserted a few comments where I was ludicrously wrong or unexpectedly right. This paper is not especially well-written and, if memory serves, […]

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A (Nuclear) Blast From The Past

As I was digging around some ancient back-up CDs, I happened across some of my early web pages. Way back in the mists of time, I was a member of the UEA Peace Society. As well as organising talk on campus, we occasionally went on protests. This page records the protest we took to Lakenheath […]

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