Drawing PPM images on the Tildagon in MicroPython

Various circuit boards showing images.

The Tildagon has 2MB of RAM. That's not enough to do... well, most things you'd want to do with a computer! There's not much processing power, so running complex image decoding algorithms might be a bit beyond it. Is there a simple image format which can be parsed and displayed? Yes! The ancient Portable PixMap […]

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Setting the time on the Tildagon

Hexagonal circuit board with circular screen. It is showing the date and time.

I'm beginning my adventures in MicroPython in the hope that I'll have something interesting working on the Tildagon Badge for EMF2026. Here's a basic implementation of a clockface. Here's how to set the time on the badge. There's a hardware clock which should keep time between reboots. Install mpremote on your computer. Connect the Tildagon […]

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Displaying a QR code in MicroPython on the Tildagon Badge

A hexagonal circuit board with a circular screen. The screen displays a monochrome QR code.

This was a bit of a labour of love - and something I wanted to get running during EMF Camp. I'm documenting in the hope it'll be useful for EMF 2026! Here's the end result: Background I'm going to assume that you have updated your badge to the latest firmware version. You will also need […]

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Untappd to Mastodon - Updated!

A bottle of beer outside on a sunny day.

A few years ago, I wrote some code to post Untappd check-ins to Mastodon. I've recently updated it to also post a photo of the beer you're enjoying. First up, you'll need a file called config.py to hold all your API keys: instance = "https://mastodon.social" access_token          = "…" write_access_token    = […]

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There should only ever be one way to express yourself

Logo of the Python programming language.

I've been thinking about programming languages and their design. In her book about the divergence of the English and American languages, Lynne Murphy asks this question: wouldn’t it be great if language were logical and maximally efficient? If sentences had only as many syllables as strictly needed? If each word had a single, unique meaning? […]

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Compressing Text into Images

Random grey noise.

(This is, I think, a silly idea. But sometimes the silliest things lead to unexpected results.) The text of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is about 146,000 characters long. Thanks to the English language, each character can be represented by a single byte. So a plain Unicode text file of the play is about 142KB. In […]

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Converting MoneyDashboard's export file to a CSV - for Firefly III and others

Logo of the Python programming language.

As I mentioned last week, MoneyDashboard is shutting down. They are good enough to provide a JSON export of all your previous transactions. It is full of entries like this: {     "Account": "My Mastercard",     "Date": "2020-02-24T00:00:00Z",     "CurrentDescription": null,     "OriginalDescription": "SUMUP *Pizza palace, London, W1",     "Amount": […]

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How far did my post go on the Fediverse?

Cartoon of a tusked mastodon holding a phone.

I wrote a moderately popular post on Mastodon. Lots of people shared it. Is it possible to find out how many different ActivityPub servers it went to? Yes! As we all know, the Fediverse is one big chain mail. I don't mean that in a derogatory way. When I write a post, it appears on […]

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Using Selenium & Chrome to automatically download Blob files

Logo of the Python programming language.

The Selenium WebDriver is a brilliant way to programmatically interact with websites. You can write little Python scripts which can click around inside browser windows and do "stuff". I use it to download a file generated by a Javascript Blob and automatically save it to disk. Here's how. Set up the WebDriver After you've installed […]

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Importing IntenseDebate Comment XML into Commentics

The Logo for WordPress.

This is ridiculously niche. If this is of help to anyone other than to me... please shout! The IntenseDebate comment system is slowly dying. It hasn't received any updates from Automattic for years. Recently it stopped being able to let users submit new comments. So I've switched to Commentics which is a self-hosted PHP / […]

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