Passive Aggressive Note - my name is spelt "T-E-R-E-N-C-E"

Photo of Terence Eden captured from a video. His name is spelled correctly in the strap line.

...not Terance, Terrence, Terrance, Terense, Tarance, or any other variation. "Terence" is spelt with one T, a thrice of Es, and a single R, N, and C. The letter A should be conspicuous by its absence. The letter R is an only child. The letter S has no place in my name. Those people caught […]

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Why Facebook Makes Me Feel Like A Loser

Screenshot of the homepage for Facebook.

I'm sat here, in my dressing gown. My fingers are greasy from eating crisps all morning. My back aches because I spent all night playing a stupid video game. The gin hangover isn't helping either. My week off work has been a wash out. I didn't write any code, I didn't cook anything other than […]

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I Have A Bacon Number of 3

This is a very hard post for me to write. I've recently finished reading two autobiographies. Both cover the same story. A boy - a nerd - has success in the fickle world of acting. Both stories tell of series of choices made. In one, the boy soars to great heights. In the other, the […]

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The Hirsute Pursuit

I've never been good at growing facial hair. When I was at university, I tried growing a beard for a play I was in. The play was a resounding success - my beard was not. Thin, straggly, patchy, and itchy. At the aftershow party, I put the beard's fate to a vote. All the men […]

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A Year In The Life

Terence presenting at a conference. Photo by Helen Keegan on Flickr. CC NC-SA-BY.

As I start another gruelling month of blog posts for NaBloPoMo, it strikes me that I've had an incredibly busy year. 12 months ago, I was working at IPC Media - doing all sorts of interesting mobile stuff for them. Launching around 28 mobile versions of their existing websites. I then went and joined WAC […]

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Dear Recruitment Consultants

Graphic. A giant hand plucks out a person from a row of identical men in suits.

I regularly get contacted by recruitment consultants. Even though I'm very happy in my job right now (Hi Boss!) I usually don't mind being contacted. However, after having just had a particularly disturbing encounter with a recruiter, I thought it might be worth stating these rules up front. These are personal to me - but […]

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My Goals for the Next Two Years

Photo of me sipping a large pink milkshake.

I'm dreadful at setting goals. Personally and professionally, I drift to whatever takes my fancy. Planning what I want to have for dinner in the evening is an unfathomable prospect. I can't comprehend how friends can have calendars showing every meal for the week in advance. To me, that's a crazy, OCD-esque level of organisation. […]

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