Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - Season 14

Ruby holding a phone.

Guess who's back, back again! If you're new to the blog series, this is where I attempt to identify all the mobile phones used by The Doctor and their companions. The 2024 series is incredible. Lots of plot, not too much exposition, and a whole bunch of mystery. I love it when Doctor Who goes […]

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The DALEK World (1965)

Garish cartoon cover of an annual. A Dalek is exterminating something.

You're a big Doctor Who fan, right? If I asked you what the world DALEK meant, you'd probably tell me that it is an anagram of KALED - the original name of their species. You'd be wrong. In 1965, it was clearly established by a canonical source, that the world DALEK stands for: Destroy without […]

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When does Doctor Who meet historical figures who are alive today?

Video call showing Patrick Moore.

In a recent episode of Doctor Who, we see a lovely sequence where The Doctor has a nice chat with Paul McCartney of The Beatles. Great larks! The Doctor often meets real people - Dickens, Shakespeare, Rosa Parks. But, crucially, all those people are dead by the time the episode airs. Macca is unusual because […]

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Why do Doctor Who companions leave?

Mel leaving in Doctor Who.

If you got the chance to travel in time and space, with an immortal alien, and got to rescue the universe again and again - would you ever give up that life? Would you be content to go from unravelling the mysteries of the universe and fighting DALEKs to, I don't know, marrying a stranger […]

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Dark Season - Russell T Davies' new show starring Kate Winslet

DVD cover featuring various baddies and Kate Winslet.

A dark and shadowy figure is using laptops to terrorise a school and convert its pupils into mindless automata. Only one person can stop this dastardly scheme - Kate Winslet! Who, for some reason, plays a 15 year old. Because she is 15. Because this is 1991 and Russell T Davies has written one of […]

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who: Paradise Towers

A man in a silver uniform stands next to a wall-mounted phone.

I'm loving the fact that BBC iPlayer has all the classic Who stories available to stream. I've been dipping in and out of the ones I don't have in my DVD collection. Paradise Towers is a brilliant story. It is well directed (which makes a nice change) and the story actually makes sense (mostly). The […]

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - 60th Anniversary Specials

Dual screen phone showing CGI of a rocket landing and lots of scientific read-outs.

Let's do the time warp again! If you're new to the blog series, this is where I attempt to identify all the mobile phones used by The Doctor and their companions. The 2023 shows were an absolute blast. Some classic stories and a whole lot of running around. But were there any phones? Oh yes! […]

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - behind the scenes of The Poisoned Sky

Still from Doctor Who. Martha is holding a PDA.

As I've discussed previously, I'm helping a collector who has acquired loads of mobile phones used in Doctor Who. Today's edition - The Poisoned Sky. As the Sontarans choke the Earth, the Doctor and UNIT battle to keep both Martha and Donna alive. A large plot point is Evil Clone Martha stealing a UNIT PDA […]

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - behind the scenes In the Forest of the Night

Bunch of kids holding phones.

I'm back with some more exclusive Doctor Who goodies! A collector has recently acquired a load of old Who prop phones - and I'm working with them to identify which episodes they're from. You might remember Series 8's "In the Forest of the Night. It's the kid-heavy episode with lots of unidentified phones. At the […]

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The Mobile Phones of Doctor Who - The Motherlode of Props

A big jumble of mobile phones.

If you're a Doctor Who fan - I promise that this post is going to please you greatly! The Internet is a weird and delightful place. For years now, I've been running a blog series about the Mobile Phones of Doctor Who. I went through every episode and painstakingly identified every mobile the cast used. […]

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