Co-Op Bank - Making Banking Inaccessible

Screenshot of the scope website showing a donation of £25

I've blogged before about how backward the Co-op bank is - sadly, they've not improved in the last few years. I needed to close down my business bank account. I hopped on to online banking, provided all my details, went through 2FA with a physical token, remembered my mother's maiden name and began searching the […]

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Musical Roombas!

A list of musical notes and teh Hex codes needed to make them play on the robot vacuum cleaner

A few years ago, I added WiFi to my Roomba using a 3rd party add-on. Sadly, it looks like Thinking Cleaner, the company which created the WiFi unit is no longer manufacturing them. But in their latest firmware release, they added a fun new option - the ability to make your Roomba sing! I've hacked […]

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Another Year In Review

Me wearing a Google Glass headset

It's my birthday! As is customary, here's my year in review. See 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010. At the risk of tempting fate, I've had an extremely good year! I've survived a year in a new job - working at GDS to implement Open Standards. As part of that, I got to fulfil a […]

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Review: PowerAdd 360 Camera

Close up detail of the lens

After seeing my review of the LG 360 camera, the good folks at PowerAdd sent me their competitor to see what I thought. This sponsored post is a showdown between the two cameras. The PowerAdd is half the cost of the LG, but what's the quality like? Tech Specs Before we dive in to the […]

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Put a test-card at the start of your slides

A test card is displaying on a television screen

I do a lot of talks and presentations - sometimes in boring conference centres, sometimes in pubs, and occasionally in the middle of a field. One of the things that I've learned is the audio-visual equipment is unreliable. The colours can be off, the projection can be blocked by detritus on stage, or the screen […]

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textarea placeholder bug in Firefox

Screenshot - the text is rendered on a single line

The new Firefox is out! Powered by the ludicrous-speed quantum engine - it really is a marvel to behold. Unfortunately, there's a rather annoying bug in the way it renders placeholder text. Consider the following HTML: <textarea placeholder="In loving memory of Buffy Anne Summers She saved the world A lot..."></textarea> This should render a textarea […]

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Telnet and Root on the Sercomm iCamera2

A web browser displaying the message "Open Telnet Daemon successfully!"

tldr; URL http://[IP]/adm/file.cgi?todo=inject_telnetd Telnet username root Telnet password Aq0+0009 History Four years ago to the day, I wrote an exposé of the hideous security failings of Sercomm IP Cameras. The blog has since attracked 200 comments - as people try to unlock their cameras, and find out what flaws they have. Despite my best efforts […]

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Noli scribere Latine imaginem describere

Screenshot of the Post Office website showing lots of seemingly unrelated pages

When I'm bored, I like to search websites for the "Lorem Ipsum" placeholder text. It's a quick way to find discarded pages and test content. I was particularly confused that the UK's Post Office had a dozen pages containing that little Latin phrase. A quick dive into one of the pages, found this enlightening snippet […]

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Renault's Secret Mileage API

Website showing my car and its mileage

Last year I reverse engineered Renault's Electric Car API. One of the curious omissions was mileage - it just doesn't appear there. However! All is not lost. If you log in to your Renault Account - - you'll get details back about your car including its make, model, date of next service, and mileage! […]

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Don't Cover Your Webcam's LED

A laptop with the webcam covered - a green LED is visible.

Just a quick note on a mistake I see people making. Webcam covers are a cheap and easy way to prevent your laptop's camera from spying on you. But too many of the covers obscure the LED which indicates that the camera is on. If you cover your activation LED then you won't be able […]

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